Etiquette Articles
Welcome to our online Etiquette Library
It has long been a dream at The Emily Post Institute to build a comprehensive, searchable, online etiquette reference to supplement our flagship book, Emily Post’s Etiquette. Well, here it is!
This is our encyclopedia of etiquette, housing content from all of
our published Emily Post Institute materials. Whether you need an
etiquette question answered or just want to explore a topic, your search
starts here.
Etiquette is a code of behavior based on treating others with honesty, respect, and consideration. This finds its way into every interaction we have, from planning a party or calculating a tip to writing a thank-you note or taking a cell phone call in public (or not!).
Basic Table Setting
The Basic Table Setting is easy to master and comes in handy at home, over the holidays and at restaurants.
Informal Table Setting
The informal table setting is perfect for informal three course dinners, casual but upscale dinner parties,…
The Formal Place Setting
The formal place setting is used at home for a meal of more than three courses, such as a dinner party…
Video: Downton Abbey Table Setting Challenge
Calling all Downton Abbey fans! On January 6, 2013, at the Essex Resort and Spa in Essex, Vermont, Anna…
Lizzie Post's Ham and Cheese Crostini Recipe
A Delicious Take on Bread and Cheese! Perfect for casual Sunday Dinner. The best part about this recipe…
Lizzie Post's Creamy Chicken with Biscuits Recipe
Creamy Chicken with Biscuits Recipe - Sunday dinner comfort food. Yummmmmmmm.
Lizzie Post's Icebox Cake Recipe
Recipe for simple no-bake icebox cake that was a staple for Elizabeth Post. Made from whipped cream and…
Lizzie Post's Favorite Chocolate Cake Recipe
Lizzie Post's Favorite Chocolate Cake Recipe - nothing fancy, just delicious.
Lizzie Post's Chicken Soup with Rice Recipe
Dress up your chicken soup with simple and delicious recipe. Who says comfort food can't be just a little…
Lizzie Post's Perfect Buttercream Filling Recipe
Lizzie Post's perfect buttercream filling recipe keeps it light and delicious. Too much buttercream is…
Emily Post Cookbook, Meat Loaf Recipe
The Recipe - We’re going very classic American with Emily’s Meat Loaf recipe.
Emily Post Cookbook, Meat Loaf Recipe
The Recipe - Zabaglione is a fun and festive winter cocktail similar to egg nog and perfect for holidays!
Avoid Political Pitfalls
Keeping a conversation from escalating into a disagreement or worse is essential to civil conversation,…
Magic Words in American Sign Language (ASL)
Using signs is a great way to introduce or reinforce basic concepts such as "please," "thank you," "You're…
Black Tie Dress Code
Black tie attire is slightly less formal than white tie, but it is more formal than business attire.…
Sympathy Notes and Letters
Because sympathy notes and letters are too personal to follow a set form, one simple rule can guide you:…
Post Pandemic Etiquette
As the world opens back up how do we handle socializing when we've been out of practice? The answer is…
Zoom Etiquette: Tips for Better Video Conferences
With the increasing prevalence of working remotely, it’s important to learn how to be a good Zoom host…
#WFH Working From Home
Working from home can seem like everyone's dream. No commute, mild chores getting done, the dog/cat/python…
The Etiquette of Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
We are months into life in the age of COVID-19 and it’s getting more complicated. Right as many of us…
General Tipping Guide
When and where and how much to tip: Tipping guidelines for three of the most common times tipping is…
Official Forms of Address: United States Government
Learn the letter address, salutation, spoken greeting and formal introduction for United States government…
Official Forms of Address: State Government
Learn the letter address, salutation, spoken greeting and formal introduction for state government officials.
Official Forms of Address: Religious Dignitaries
Learn the letter address, salutation, spoken greeting and formal introduction for religious dignitaries.
Official Forms of Address: Professional
Learn the letter address, salutation, spoken greeting and formal introduction for professionals like…
Official Forms of Address: Diplomatic
Learn the letter address, salutation, spoken greeting and formal introduction for diplomats.
Addressing a Former President of the United States
When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr.…
Announcing a New Baby
The arrival of a new family member (now matter how the baby or child arrives) is one of the most exciting,…
Removing the Mystery: Cousins "Once Removed"
Sarah and Luke are cousins. But what are their children to one another... and who is "once removed"?
Guide to Writing Men's Names with Suffixes
Learn how to use and write men's names with suffixes. All the basics on using Mr., Jr., Sr., II, III…
Professional Title Etiquette: When to Use Your Dr. Title
Here are some tips on the correct use of professional titles such as doctor, lawyer, or reverend doctor.
What is Protocol?
Protocol is the glue that holds official life together—the observance of precedence and rank in aspects…
Traditional Gendered Courtesies
Is chivalry dead? Yes and no.
The "Mrs." Question
Married and divorced women different have options in how they choose to be addressed.
Military Titles
Learn how to properly address those with military titles in conversation and in correspondence. This…
Audience Etiquette
Today, there's a wealth of entertainment offered in widely differing settings, but the following fundamentals…
Appropriate Applause at Classical Music Performances
When attending a classical music performance, novice guests often worry about when to clap. These are…
Making Introductions
Many people think that introducing themselves or introducing someone is so complicated that they tend…
Q&A: The Manners of Downton Abbey, Then and Now
Anna Post joined Vermont PBS for an on-air pledge drive Q&A about the difference between our manners…
New Neighbors
In today's highly mobile society, it's not so unusual for people to move into a neighborhood almost without…
Spring Break Travel Tips
Traveling this Spring? Avoid the Stress with Lizzie Post’s Travel Tips. With spring break just around…
Definition of Etiquette
The philosophy of etiquette is timeless and everlasting, whereas manners – the outward expression of…
Flag Etiquette for Memorial Day Weekend
The American flag is considered a living entity and never dips to any person or thing. It is the premier…
Flag Etiquette
The American flag is considered a living entity and never dips to any person or thing. It is the premier…
Wearing White After Labor Day
Should you wear white after labor day? This article explores the tradition of the guideline and why it…
Good Halloween Manners - Five Tips for Trick or Treating
Halloween is a fun holiday for children, but it's easy to forget basic manners when there is so much…
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Valentine’s Day, while romantic, can be fraught with gifting and planning stress. Here are some tips…
Table Manners Video - Using Utensils from the Outside In
In this video we look at using utensils in the order they are set at the table working from the outside…
Table Manners Video - B & D for Bread and Drink
In this video we introduce of of the most classic and popular table manners and etiquette teaching tricks,…
Table Manners Video - Where to Sit Guests at the Table
In this video we look at how a host determines who sits where at the table. Guests can take comfort following…
Table Manners Video - Using FOrKS to Set the Table
In this video we share the best kept secret in the world of etiquette. If you can remember how to spell…
Table Manners Video - The Napkin
In this video we go over what to do with your napkin either when you excuse yourself from the table or…
Table Manners - Continental Style Dining
In this video we look at how to correctly hold your fork in your left (or non-dominant hand) when cutting…
Lipstick at the Table
In general, personal grooming should be done in private. But putting on lipstick without using a mirror…
Texting at the Dinner Table
“What about text messaging at the dinner table?” it's an easy answer – “It’s not good manners!”
Tea Traditions Around the World
Tea has been a drink of choice around the world for many years, and the traditions and meaning behind…
Creative Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Wine, beer and cocktails may get a lot of play, but they aren't your only beverage options. Water (both…
How to Eat Corn on the Cob
It’s August in New England, and that means one very important thing: Corn on the cob! How do you eat…
Video: How to Set the Family Dinner Table
Lizzie Post explains how to set the table for a family-style dinner in this video. Enjoy!
Passing Food at the Table
Find out which direction to pass food at the dinner table and why we do it this way.
Top Questions for Dining Out
Good table manners go beyond knowing how to use your utensils correctly. They are also about navigating…
Finer Points of Tipping
Tipping is one of the most stressful and confusing aspects of etiquette today. It is a significant way…
Printable Placemat for Learning How to Set the Table
Help teach kids how to set the table with this free, easy-to-use placemat! Just print it out and have…
Sunday Dinner: An Old Tradition in a New Light
Sunday dinner is making a comeback. When you think about it, it’s an ideal way to entertain: long, lazy…
Guide to Food and Drink
From artichokes to tea, how to eat and drink tricky foods—and what to do when you encounter the unexpected.
How To Eat Soup the Proper Way
The short answer to “How to eat soup?” is to eat it so you don’t make a mess. Follow these tips to master…
Common Tea Questions
Drinking tea is often a shared experience, and comes with many questions about pinkies, spoons, tea bags,…
All About Toasting
Toasts can range from the most routine – “To us!” – to the most touching – an homage from the father…
Toasts and Toasting: Tips you can use Today
There are few traditions as sacred as that of the toast. What may have started as a libation offering…
Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview
Get ready for you next job interview ahead of time and make sure your first impression is a good one.…
Professional Email Etiquette for Work
Good etiquette practices can ensure your work emails are performing at their best, and are representing…
Etiquette for a Great Handshake
A great handshake can make a lasting impression and serves as a crucial aspect of business and social…
Beyond the Handshake: Hugs and the Social Kiss
Tips on when it’s okay—or not—to use hugs and kisses as personal greetings in a business setting.
Job Interview Tips 101
Your resume is perfectly printed on high quality paper and you've practiced answering every off-beat…
Responding to a Client’s Note of Appreciation
Does business etiquette require you to send a “thank-you” letter in response to a letter from a client…
Effective Business Letters
The old-fashioned personal business letter—written on pristine, high-quality paper, sealed in an envelope,…
Rejecting a Client's "Friend" Request
Tips on how to navigate keeping your work life and social media life separate.
Seating at an Official Luncheon or Dinner
When entertaining dignitaries, such as government or military officials and foreign diplomats, the host…
Seven No-Brainers for Job Interviews
Tips for making a good impression at your next job interview.
Top Ten Email Manners
Ten best practices when using email professionally. From writing to responding.
Using Titles in Other Nations
A quick guide to common foreign titles and forms of address.
Using a Professional Title after Retirement
I am a retired attorney, I am in good standing, but as a retired attorney I cannot practice law. When…
Guidelines for Grooming at the Office
Is it okay to comb your hair at your desk? How about applying foot lotion? Here's some advice on what's…
Etiquette Quiz for Job Seekers
Test your job-seeking savvy with this quiz. Write down your answer to each question, and then following…
Personal Style and the Job Interview - Beards?
Should you wear a beard to a job interview? Applying for a job implies that you’re interested in becoming…
Corporate Gift Giving
Gift giving is a time-honored and thoughtful way of building business relationships. But gift-giving…
How to Handle Radio Silence During the Interview Process
How to handle radio silence after a job interview. Should you reach out? Should you wait? Here are some…
Gum Chewing at Work: Appropriate or Not?
The short answer is that it is appropriate to chew gum on the job, as long as you do it quietly. It is…
Gender and Business
Translating traditional social manners and expectations to business can be tricky. Here are some traditional…
The Office Kitchen
The kitchen can be the messiest room in the office, used by all and owned by none. Here are ways you…
Business Meals: Who Pays?
The last word on who pays for a business lunch or dinner. It is the host.
Business Meals
Your behavior at a business dinner is every bit as important as the fellowship it fosters. These are…
The Business of Thanks
When in doubt, Handwritten or Emailed?, choose the note. A prompt, sincere, handwritten one is always…
How to Use Active Listening to Build Relationships
Active listening is an accountable, thoughtful and professional way to improve personal relationships,…
Is Professionalism Declining?
Survey results regarding professionalism in the workplace.HR and management professionals stated that…
Language Barriers at Work
In our globalized economy, it is becoming increasingly likely that you will work with people from cultures…
Dealing with an Office Bully
Surveys show that as many as forty percent of those workers who have been treated rudely leave their…
Confrontations with Management
When you have a complaint or criticism, how you present your case can make all the difference to the…
The Art of Listening
Listening is often times the most important way to participate in a conversation. It is not as simple…
Top Seven Tips for Business Meetings
Business meetings can be a great communication tool and perfect opportunity to demonstrate your skills…
How to Say “No” Graciously
Saying "no" well, is a great skill to harness both in your work life and your personal life. While it…
Download: Four Tips for Resolving Workplace Conflict
With pressure to perform, stress can arise in many workplaces, and with it, conflict. Conflict resolution…
Download: 10 Etiquette Tips for Business Meetings
Whether you are meeting with your team, the entire staff, a client, a buyer, or a supplier, how you present…
Download: 10 Business Etiquette Resolutions for the New Year
Whether it's a brand new year or just a moment you choose to refocus your efforts, it's always a great…
Download: Top Five Etiquette Offenses That Could Get You Fired
According to a recent survey of more than 2,000 executives conducted by, here are the…
Download: 11 Tips for Surviving the Office Holiday Party
Relationships with clients and prospects are obvious, but equally important are the relationships with…
Download: Top Five Civility Actions Every Employee Should Put Forward
67 percent of Americans believe incivility is a major problem, according to a 2014 Emily Post Institute…
Download: The Bulletin Board Rule
Before you hit SEND, make sure you follow the bulletin board rule. Download the Bulletin Board Rule to…
Download: 10 Tips on Business Etiquette
How you present yourself to others in the business world speaks volumes. Business etiquette provides…
Download: Top 10 Business Dining Etiquette Tips
Your own behavior at business meals is every bit as important as the fellowship they foster. Remember:…
Download: Nine Tips for Written Communication Etiquette
From communicating via intra-office memos or letters to utilizing text messaging and social media, here…
Reuters: Talking Politics at Work and Home
The best political conversation is one where the participants can gain deeper or broader knowledge while…
Reuters: Email Etiquette at Work and Home
Businesses live and breathe by email. It's no longer uncommon to work regularly with people you've never…
Reuters: Polite Air Travel in the 21st century
Who owns the middle seat arm rests on an airplane, really? How do you break away from the marathon talker…
Reuters: Good Sportsmanship
Top good sportsmanship tips for players, fans, and parents of little athletes.
Reuters: No Excuse Not to RSVP
Failure to RSVP (French for répondez s'il vous plaît, or "please reply") is one of the biggest etiquette…
Reuters: What Not to Wear to Work in the Summer
What's hot and what's not in summer office attire.
Reuters: The Prize-Winning Houseguest
No matter how closely you're related or how well you know your friends, being a guest in someone's home…
Reuters: Be a Gracious Wedding Guest, Not a Royal Pain
Though the focus is understandably on brides, grooms, their attendants and families at weddings, guests…
Download: Wedding Budget Planner
The following planner, in a printable PDF file, may help you build your own budget worksheet.
Wedding Planning: 12-24 Months in Advance
What to check off your list 1-2 years before the big day.
Wedding Planning: 9-12 Months In Advance
What to check off your list just under a year out from the big day.
Wedding Planning: 6-9 Months In Advance
What to check off your list no less than half a year before the big day.
Wedding Planning: 3-6 Months In Advance
What to check of your list in the final six months before the big day.
Wedding Planning: 1-3 Months In Advance
This is the final push. Don't forget to check these items off your list before the big day!
Wedding Planning: The Final Weeks
The weeks before the Big Day are sure to be busy, so don't forget to check these items off your list.
Ten Wedding Thank-You Note Dos and Don’ts
Finding time to write thank-you notes for wedding presents may seem overwhelming, but a few simple dos…
Wedding Thank-You Note Stationery
I have note cards with my married initials on them. Should I use these to write thank-you notes for my…
Thanking the Officiant
It's important that you express gratitude to the wedding officiant who made your special day possible.…
Informal Wedding Invitation Wording
Informal wedding invitation wording is a chance for couples to reflect their own personal style. Not…
When a Guest's RSVP Includes Uninvited Children
Friends returned their reply card with their children's names written in. I'm not having children at…
Inviting an Ex to the Wedding
My fiancé is friendly with an ex-girlfriend and wants to invite her to the wedding. I'd prefer it if…
No Gifts, Please
There is nothing my fiancé and I need. I read that it isn't appropriate to print "no gifts, please" on…
Choosing Your Wedding Invitation Style
Your wedding invitation does a great deal more than inform people of the date, time, and place of your…
Wedding Invitation Dos and Don'ts
A wedding invitation is one of the most important and treasured invitations sent or received. These tips…
Addressing & Sending Wedding Invitations
Opening a classic wedding invitation is unlike opening any other piece of mail. Much care goes into addressing…
Samples of Formal Wedding Invitation Wording
The wording of formal wedding invitations may vary depending on who is hosting the wedding. Here are…
Formal Wedding Invitation Wording
If you are looking for the traditional wedding invitation wording your mother or grandmother would have…
Wedding Invitation Replies
A guest’s first duty is to respond promptly to any wedding invitation. Check your schedule and consult…
How to Word a Wedding Response Card
Response or reply cards are included with a wedding invitation to give you an accurate guest count for…
How to Handle Missing or Extra RSVPs
Several of our friends have not responded to our wedding invitations. Plus, some who have responded have…
Inviting Out-of-Towners to the Rehearsal Dinner
Is it necessary to invite all out-of-towner guests to the rehearsal dinner? We have so many I fear the…
Wedding Guest Attire: What to Wear
You're invited, now what is a guest supposed to wear to a wedding? Wedding guest attire is pretty easy…
Cell Phones at the Wedding Ceremony
Three ways to remind guests politely to turn off their cell phones before the ceremony begins.
Navigating an Uneven Guest List
My family is huge... but my fiancé is an only child. How can I make sure that his family doesn't get…
When Parents Want a Bigger Guest List
My future in-laws insist that all "their" guests remain on our invite list. What is the etiquette around…
Destination Wedding Gifts
Is your presence your present at a destination wedding? Or should you send a gift?
Choosing a Wedding Gift
Here are some answers to guests' top questions on wedding gifts and wedding gift etiquette.
Is It Okay to Ask for Money?
My fiancé and I have all our household necessities and don't need traditional wedding gifts. What we…
How to Signal "No Children" at Your Wedding
If you have decided not to have children at your wedding, how do you make this clear to guests politely?…
Wedding Registry Etiquette
Registries are incredibly organized and helpful, and it is not "greedy" to register. Most wedding guests…
All About the Receiving Line
Let’s start by setting the record straight: A receiving line isn’t required. However, the bride and groom…
Bridal Shower Etiquette
Bridal showers are a wonderful tradition but, like most traditions, their modern applications raise many…
Duties of the Best Man & Groomsmen at a Wedding
Bridal Luncheons or Parties
All about how to throw a bridesmaids' luncheon.
Common Bridal Dilemmas... Solved!
There are a variety of dilemmas most brides will face during their wedding planning process. From asking…
Wedding Ceremony Aisle Walk FAQs
The bride's aisle walk is a special moment in a wedding ceremony. But who should walk the bride down…
Ring Regulation: In what order should you wear your rings?
What is the proper way to wear your wedding rings? At the ceremony, the wedding band is placed by on…
There was an old saying, “A man never knows how unimportant he is until he goes to his own wedding."…
Countdown to Proposing
From the ring and flowers to what to wear and how to ask, Peter Post gives advice to get through the…
The Groom's Traditional Duties
Although one mother-of-the-bride told her future son-in-law, “You only have one job: show up on time,”…
The Bachelor Party
Gone are the days of necessarily over-the-top, overindulgent bachelor parties. Today’s bachelor parties…
The Groom's Toast
What every groom needs to know about making a toast at his wedding.
Mother of the Groom: How You Can Help
With so much emphasis on tasks for the bride and her mother to do, it may seem like there is little left…
Traditional Wedding Expenses of the Groom and His Family
Traditionally, the groom and his family pay for a segment of wedding expenses: usually costs related…
Tips for Mom: What Does the Mother of the Groom Wear?
What should the mother of the groom wear? Is it true that she has to wait to choose a dress until the…
For Parents: Setting a Budget and Splitting Expenses
It used to be that parents of the bride were expected to bear the entire cost of the wedding. That’s…
Wedding Attendants
Being asked to be a member of the wedding party is an honor. As an attendant, whether you are a bridesmaid…
Wedding Website Tips
A comprehensive guide to what you should put on your wedding website - and what you definitely want to…
Wedding Photography Styles
Each photographer has his or her own distinct style, which is reflected in the photographer’s portfolio…
Ten Basics for Remarriage
Ten guidelines for encore weddings.
21st Century Wedding Trends
Trends don't always become traditions, but these current wedding customs seem to have real staying power.
Congratulations—You're Engaged!
From sharing the news to meeting the parents to setting the date, there is plenty to do once you've said…
Wedding Ceremony Seating Arrangements
Who sits where at the wedding ceremony? How do you handle wedding ceremony seating for complicated family…
Wedding Expenses: The Traditional Division
Traditionally, who pays for what? Here is a list of the traditional breakdown of wedding expenses for…
Who To Invite to The Wedding & Parties?
Information to help you decide who to invite to your engagement party, how to build a wedding guest list,…
Wedding Expenses: Who Pays for What?
Keep in mind that these days, all of the following guidelines for family expenses are variable—depending…
Wedding Tips for Moms: They're Engaged!
Whether they are deeply involved in every aspect of planning the wedding or not, it's likely that the…
All About Registries
Get all the details about registries and how to use them in one place. What is a registry? What parties…
Announcing Your Marriage
Who receives wedding announcements, and when are they sent out?
Meeting the Parents 101: Tips for a Positive Experience
If you haven't yet met the parents of your daughter or son's fiancé(e), that meeting should be arranged…
Wedding Email Dos and Don'ts
The first thing to remember about email is that just because you can send an e-mail, doesn’t mean you…
Wedding Attire: Tips for the Moms
The old concept that both moms are supposed to look matronly was retired long ago, along with the colorless…
Vermont Vows: The Toast!
While some people are complete naturals at giving toasts, others need a little help, whether they raise…
Vermont Vows: Golden Rules of the Receiving Line
A receiving line isn't required. However, the bride and groom do have to greet and thank every one of…
Vermont Vows: Planning
In this age of technology it's no surprise that more and more brides and grooms are going online to start…
Vermont Vows: Who to Invite?
The various parties and celebrations that take place between the engagement and "I do" are all important…
Vermont Vows: Out-of-Town Guests
Every couple planning their wedding is faced with the question of what to do with their out-of-town guests—the…
Vermont Vows: The Registry
Once upon a time, a wedding registry was just for letting guests know your china, crystal, and silver…
Vermont Vows: Showers in the Forecast
The bridal shower is the ultimate "girl" moment of the pre-wedding process, summoning up images of tea…
Vermont Vows: Wedding Attendants
The ring is sparkly, you've said "Yes!" and you're off on a whirlwind of planning for the big day. Chances…
Vermont Vows: Here Comes the Groom
There was an old saying, "A man never knows how unimportant he is until he goes to his own wedding."…
Inside Weddings: Celebrating Your Engagement
Engagements are clear cause for celebration, and what better way than with an engagement party! From…
Inside Weddings: Registry Rules
For all that many couples still register for formal items, there is now a much broader mix of fun and…
Inside Weddings: Wedding Attire
What to wear to your wedding? Anna Post's advice on choosing your bridal gown, the bridesmaids' dresses…
Inside Weddings: Modern Invitations
Invitations are the first glimpse that guests receive of your wedding. They set the tone and begin to…
Inside Weddings: Multicultural Weddings
People today are finding each other across all kinds of religious and cultural divides, and the rise…
Inside Weddings: Printed Items for Your Wedding
Charm and convenience are often misaligned these days, but not so at weddings. From programs to seating…
Inside Weddings: Handling Your Guests With Grace
Everyone involved in a wedding has a part to play—and that includes the guests. And I’m not just talking…
Inside Weddings: The Wedding Party
Unless you elope to Las Vegas or slip down to City Hall for a quiet ceremony, you don’t get married on…
Inside Weddings: Dividing Wedding Expenses
One of the biggest questions about wedding etiquette comes at the intersection of tradition and wedding…
Pandemic Wedding Etiquette
With many questions and concerns during unprecedented uncertainty couples around the world are struggling…
In the Classroom
You may only have fifty minutes per class, but you all are there for the same thing. The only one with…
Can You Teach a Toddler Etiquette? Yes!
Children need to learn how to act in ways that are respectful, considerate, and honest. These are the…
What to Do About Bullies
It can be frightening for kids to be the target of a bully. It happens so frequently and it’s important…
Video: Top Five Holiday Tips for Parents and Kids
In this classic video, Cindy Post Senning gives tips on how to prepare your children for the most common…
The Golden Rule of Parenting
Parents are asking: how influenced can kids be by poor behavior on the part of celebrities, sports heroes,…
Video: Etiquette and The Story of King Louis XIV
Do you know where the word etiquette comes from? Cindy Post Senning, Emily Post's great-granddaughter,…
The "Magic Words"
We learned them as children, but no mater your age these essential words are effortless to say and convey…
Thank-You Note Tips for Children and Teens
“Mom, let's write thank-you notes!” Sure, it sounds like a dream: your children running up to you and…
Another Way to Say “Please” and "Thank You"
When I was traveling about the country talking to toddlers about our book Emily’s Magic Words, I spent…
Birthday Parties: A Training Ground for Great Manners
Like so many significant stepping stones in life, birthdays are a training ground. They provide an opportunity…
Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 1 Table Manners
Step one of the Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays is about table manners, including how to…
Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 2 Table Conversation
Step two of the Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays covers handling dinner conversation from…
Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 3 Gifts You Don't Wrap
Step three of the Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays is about giving the kinds of gifts you…
Five-Step Children’s Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 4 Greetings and Handshakes
Step four of the Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays is all about greetings and handshakes.
Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 5 Giving and Receiving Gifts
Step five of the Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays will help your kids learn gracious gift…
Download: Printable Thank-You Notes for Children
Printable Thank-You Note Cards for Children. Featuring characters from the Emily Post childrens book…
Download for Kids: Top Ten Cell Phone Manners
Cell phones are great—they keep us in touch with friends and family and can be life savers in an emergency.…
Download: Top Table Manners for Kids
Top table manners tip list for parents and kids with download. Here are the top table manners kids (and…
Being Thankful: Thank-You Note FAQs
Sometimes it's easy to write off a heartfelt thank-you note. Other times, writer's block can set in—especially…
Thank-You Notes: To Send or Not To Send?
It’s never wrong to send a written thank you, and people always appreciate getting “thanks” in writing.…
Different Ways to Say Thank-You
The skinny on thank-you notes: whether to email, phone or write; which situations call for a handwritten…
The Importance of the Handwritten Thank-you Note
As our world becomes increasingly digitalized and mobile, people seek faster, even immediate, forms of…
Video: Handwritten Thank-You Note Tips
Up your thank-you note game with these tips from Lizzie Post! She explains why we still need handwritten…
How to Write a Thank-You Note
Everything you need to know about the how and when to write the classic and ever meaningful handwritten…
Follow this Personal Letter Format to Sound More Sincere
With all the new technology of today, the golden age of handwritten letters may be past. But receiving…
Invitation Etiquette
Whether it is to a wedding, a dinner party, shower or gala event, an invitation comes with some important…
Addressing a Husband and Wife Who Are Ministers
The appropriate way to address a letter to a husband and wife who are both ministers is: The Reverends…
Women's Names and Titles
A guide to the options when addressing a married woman.
Group Restaurant Invitations
How do I invite people to a restaurant, but make it clear that they will each pay their own way?
How Do I RSVP?
The etiquette faux pas we hear perhaps the most complaints about is a failure on the part of guests to…
The Continuing Importance of the RSVP
If we've said it once, we've said it a thousand times: RSVPs still matter! Very much so. While no one…
Guide to Addressing Correspondence
Address book, cup of tea and stationery at the ready, you start addressing invitations for your husband’s…
The Correct Use of “Esquire”
How to use esquire in correspondence.
Five Tips for Looking Crisp and Keeping Cool in the Workplace
Looking Cool and Crisp at work this summer is easier with these five tips. Workplace dressing during…
Good Grooming and Wardrobe Care
The way you take care of your body and anything you put on it is an important part of your image. Paying…
Five Tips for Buying the Perfect Suit
Are you interviewing, stepping up a rung, or just ready to start investing in your image? Time to buy…
Guys and Ties
Many men don't like to think too hard about ties: But they should. Next to shoes and watches, ties are…
Five Guidelines, What Not to Wear to the Office in the Summer
Summer is here…kids are out of school…people are on vacation…it’s a relaxed time of year! However, that…
Color and Your Professional Brand: Women
Color is a means of instant communication, and wearing the right hues for your skin tone makes a difference.…
The Origin of the Tuxedo
And where on earth did the tuxedo come from anyway? Who created this getup, and why do guys still wear…
How to Help a Friend Who Has Body Odor
Understandably, many people are reluctant to take on this difficult conversation. "Couldn't I just send…
Hats Off! Hat Etiquette for Everyone
Knowing when to remove a hat is as important as wearing the right hat for the occasion. Here's the who-what-when-where…
Etiquette for Volunteering
While volunteering isn't a job, many of the same expectations apply. Here are four tips for how to approach…
How to Choose Luggage
Like your attire, luggage can be part of your image when you travel. Here are some tips to consider when…
Before You Travel: Acquaint Yourself with Your Destination
Travel etiquette is key to enjoying a journey. Before you begin your journey, do a bit of research to…
Golf Manners that Matter
Peter Post's most important golf etiquette tips, from compliments and ball marks to handling handicaps…
Golf: Playing with a Caddie
Tips for playing golf with a caddie.
Skiing Etiquette Tips
Ten tips for having a great - and polite - time on the slopes this season.
Keep the Conversation Going
Attentive listening is a key to keeping a conversation going. Searching for something to say? People…
Sports: Be a Team Player
In the game or just spectating, it's important to keep it positive when we play and watch sports together.
The Respectful Spectator
Don't want to be known as the world's most obnoxious fan? Here are a few good-sport guidelines for your…
Video: Peggy and Cindy Talk Etiquette for Kids and Teens
Authors Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D. sit down to talk about etiquette for kids and teens.…
The Principles of Etiquette
This is the single most important thing we hope you read about etiquette. It's that important. It's the…
My Thoughts on Rudeness and Kids
Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D. shares her thoughts on kids and rudeness.
The Polite Pedestrian or Dog Walker
Whether you're going for a leisurely stroll, in a hurry, or taking the dog out for a walk, here are a…
Pet Etiquette
We asked, our Etiquette Daily blog readers, what advice they have for pet etiquette. Here a selection…
People Who Work in Your Home
There are many different ways to employ someone who will spend time working in your home. Here are four…
Couch Crashing: Friend or Freeloader?
What do you do when a friend has been crashing in your living room for a week now and shows no signs…
The Power of a Great Compliment
There is very little in the world so effective at making someone else feel good as a well-delivered compliment.…
How Rude
It’s OK to stand up to rude behavior as long as you don’t respond unkindly. Staying cool is the best…
Five Ways to Combat Rudeness
Handling other people's rudeness is tricky. You can't control someone else's behavior. So focus on maintaining…
The Good Conversationalist: The Basics
From choosing your topic to the subtleties of body language, here are some basic pointers on how to become…
Answering Your Cell Phone in Public
Consider your surroundings before you make or take a cell phone call in public.
A Great Handshake at Home or Abroad
Greetings are an important first impression. Here's how to get it right no matter where in the world…
Daily Worth: Guest Gifts That Say Thanks
Many guests do take their hosts out to dinner as a thank-you, but it’s not required. In fact, there is…
Important Manners for Driving
Driving the kids to practice, commuting to work, running errands—many people spend a good part of their…
Guide to Using Pronouns and Properly Addressing Our Gender-Diverse World
It is important to recognize and respect the gender identity of individuals by using correct personal…
Dating: The All-Important "Ask"
When you call to ask someone out, always have a plan in mind, even if it’s a spur-of-the-moment suggestion…
Dating 101: Small Things that Make a Big Difference
Here are some simple things you can do on a date that will leave the other person feeling relaxed and…
Roommates: Establishing House Rules
In college, my roommate and I had drastically different social lives. Here are the house rules we came…
Four Steps to Neighborhood Peace
Whether you live in a residential neighborhood of freestanding houses, a condo development, or a tall…
Neighbors: How to Raise a Concern Politely
Maintaining a good relationship with your neighbors also requires clear honest communication. If you…
Neighborly Manners
The top tips for good neighbor manners from the source you trust. Emily Post advice on how to be a great…
Daily Worth: When a Borrowed Item Gets Broken
My friend borrowed my digital camera for her vacation, but she just emailed me to say that she lost it.…
Golf: Repairing Ball Marks and Divots
Of the specific course-related behaviors cited by Post Golf Survey respondents, one faux pas stands out…
Dos and Don'ts at the Gym
From cell phones to sweaty machines, exercising at a health club or fitness center calls for considering…
End of Summer Tipping Guide
Don’t forget everyone who has made your summer more enjoyable! As with holiday tipping, this is a way…
Ms, Miss, or Mrs: Guide to Addressing Women & Girls
Traditionally, how a woman was addressed when using titles had to do with identifying her marital status,…
How to Host A Graduation Party
All the tips and etiquette advice you need to host a graduation party and celebrate your graduate well.…
Tips for a Happy Thanksgiving
We can’t offer you a turkey hotline, but here are some tips for guests and hosts to help make your Thanksgiving…
Show Your Thanksgiving Spirit
Let's Celebrate. The fellowship feeling of Thanksgiving is unrivaled among holidays. It's hard to think…
Why Thanksgiving Is My Favorite Holiday
A Day Devoted to Saying Thank You! I was driving to work today and thinking about etiquette—that may…
Roasted Butternut Squash and Apple Soup with Sage Recipe
Its apple-sage and squash-allspice flavor combinations may well have thoughts of Thanksgiving dancing…
How to Set The Thanksgiving Day Table
All the tips you need to set the table for your Thanksgiving Day meal!
Seven Holiday Gift Giving Tips for the Office
The year end holidays may be the giving season, but the perennial question is "What do I give to..."…
Video - Holiday Table Setting Made Easy
In this video, Lizzie Post and her mother, Tricia Post, give detailed advice on how to set a holiday…
How to Help a Grieving Loved One During the Holidays
The holidays, especially the first ones after the death of a loved one, can be particularly hard. While…
Holiday Tipping Guide
The holiday season is traditionally the time Americans choose to thank those who provide them with year-round…
Holiday Tips vs. Holiday Gifts
The holiday season is a budget-stretching season for many. Between your gift list, holiday tips, parties,…
Holiday Party Planning
With the holidays comes the opportunity to entertain your nearest and dearest, as well as all those people…
Holiday Houseguest Manners
As a guest, it’s your job to put all your positive qualities on display: enthusiasm, congeniality, consideration,…
Holiday Greeting Cards
Advice on holiday greeting cards from the number one source on American etiquette.
Family Holiday Newsletters
An Emily Post Institute survey showed that people have mixed feelings about these newsletters: 53% like…
Holiday Party Planning 101
Get all the tips and advice you need to host a fabulous holiday party well this year! From invitations…
Holiday Party Ideas
Need holiday party ideas? Check out these party themes that the Post family has enjoyed over the years!…
How to Host A Holiday Party
Get all the best tips from Emily Post on how to host a holiday party this holiday season. You've done…
Canceling Holiday Plans During COVID-19
With the holidays right around the corner, many people are considering canceling multi-family gatherings…
Ten Tips for Holiday Shopping
The Holidays: the joy, the snow, the rush…the frustration, the bad tempers, the rudeness! Here are ten…
Gifts That Miss the Mark
What do you do when your uncle gives you the same mixer as the one gathering dust on your counter, or…
Simple Tips for Gifting Wine
Wine is a wonderful host gift—if you know your host enjoys wine. Do you feel overwhelmed by wine selection?…
Regifting tips to avoid hurt feelings
What is regifting? When, and under what circumstances, is it ever okay to regift?
The Etiquette of Regifting
Regifting can be a wonderful way to give new life to old items and stick to a sustainability goal but…
Email Etiquette Dos & Don’ts
Although technology is ever-changing, basic rules of etiquette still apply. Courteous email communication…
Netiquette: The Rules of the Internet
Communicating effectively online has become increasingly important in today’s world. Here are our top…
Smart Use of Smartphones and Tablets
Any behavior can become habitual and start to escape your notice. Automatically responding, such as answering…
Seven Guidelines for Excellent Mobile Manners
Follow these seven guidelines for excellent mobile manners to tune up your communication courtesy. Whenever…
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying goes beyond just bad manners. It's dangerous. If you, a friend, or your child is being…
Anna Post on Managing Mobile Manners
To be clear, the devices aren’t “bad”—it’s all in how we choose to use them. Whether we’re talking about…
Texting Manners
Billions of text messages are sent each year: They’re fast, relatively inexpensive, and you can get a…
Top 10 Cell Phone Manners
Cell phones are great—they keep us in touch with friends and family and can be life savers in an emergency.…
Video Calls and Online Conferencing
Whether connecting telecommuters with the home office, project managers at remote locations or companies…
Five Tips for Email Communication
Electronic communication is constantly changing. Email is great for fast and effective communication,…
4 Essential Cell Phone Rules
Take control of your device. Cell phones are everywhere—and that means more chances for them to be used…
Tech/Watch Etiquette Urbane Gentleman
Here are our top tips for smart watch etiquette, so that you can incorporate them in your daily life…
Outdoor Entertaining: Tips and Ideas
Backyard parties are great opportunities to gather a crowd, with everyone pitching in.
The Essential Party-Prep Checklist
Here's a general list of party-prep essentials. You may not need each item, but use it as a guide when…
Party Etiquette Tips for Hosts and Guests
Even at the most casual get-togethers, we automatically assume the roles of host and guest, each with…
Invitation Timing
From a casual dinner to a charity ball, use this guide to calculate when to send the invitation.
Should I Bring a Hostess Gift?
A gift for your host or hostess, be it a dinner, a weekend visit or a housewarming, is a lovely way to…
Making Small Talk
To engage in small talk with your friends, family, acquaintances and guests, you'll need to have something…
What to Do When Guests Don't RSVP
Anyone who receives an invitation has an important obligation to reply as soon as possible. And yet so…
Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
All about bar and bat mitzvahs, one of the most important events in a young Jewish person’s life, and…
Children’s Birthday Party Etiquette
Happy Birthday! Here are helpful tips for throwing a fun and manageable children's birthday party.
Graduation: Ceremony, Celebration, or Both?
Graduation marks a milepost in the lives of student. It’s a serious yet joyful event. And therein lies…
Graduation Etiquette
Graduation is a big event in someones life and there is etiquette for gifts, ceremony invitations, announcements,…
Engagement Party Timing
When is too soon--or too late--to hold an engagement party? Who hosts the engagement party?
Engagement Party Gifts
Should you bring a gift to an engagement party? In the past, engagement gifts were not obligatory or…
Ideas for Theme Wedding Showers
A shower needs no theme other than to have a good time and celebrate the upcoming marriage of a couple.…
Party Game Ideas for Baby Showers
Ideas for party games to play at a baby shower or adoption shower.
Baby Showers: Welcoming the New Baby
It's hard not to make a fuss over a new baby, even before the little bundle of joy is born. That is why…
Baby Showers: Who Hosts?
Traditionally, close friends, cousins, aunts, sisters-in-law, or co-workers of the mother-to-be hosted…
Baby Shower: Party Timing & Invitation Advice
Advice and tips on planning a baby shower and invitation wording and timing.
Baby Shower Gifts and Registries
Advice and tips for baby shower gifts and registries.
Baby Showers: Thank-You Notes
All baby shower gifts must be acknowledged with a thank-you note, even if the honoree thanked the participants…
Baby Shower: Top Etiquette Questions
Popular baby shower questions about baby showers for additional children, inviting faraway guests, thank-you…
What to Serve at Baby Showers
Tips for what food and beverages you typically serve at a baby shower or adoption shower.
Video: How to Set Up Your Guest Room
Lizzie Post, co-author of Emily Post's Great Get-Togethers, shows how she sets up her guest room for…
The Golden Rules for Houseguests
There is more to being a good houseguest than just being nice and doing your part to help out. And family…
Houseguest Thank-You Gift Ideas
Show up with something in hand? Houseguests are expected to give a thank-you gift to the host either…
Out of Town Guests
Although you are certainly not obligated to do so, it is a nice touch to offer activities, gatherings,…
What to Say to Someone Who Is Grieving
What do I say to someone who has suffered a loss and is experiencing grief? How do I offer condolences?…
Manners Matter Even More in Hard Times
No matter the type of person you tend to be in a crisis, stress often leads to rudeness which can easily…
How to Help When Someone is in the Hospital
We're often struck by an urge to "do something" when we hear about a friend, colleague or family member…
How to Plan a Hospital Visit
Being in the hospital can be hard for patients, and they often look forward to visits from family and…
Preparing for a Funeral
As they have in every culture from the beginning of time, the rituals observed after the death of a loved…
Giving a Eulogy
As a close friend or a family member, you may be asked to write and give a eulogy at a funeral. It is…
Bereavement Questions and Answers
During times of grief, everyone wants to say or do the right thing, the loving thing, the appropriate…
Receiving Visitors During Times of Grief
Here are some tips for mourners visiting bereaved family as we as receiving visitors during times of…
Important Considerations When Arranging a Funeral
When arranging a funeral, remember to consider ushers, eulogists and readers, programs, and an honorarium…
Funeral Etiquette: Donations In Lieu of Flowers
When the notations “in lieu of flowers, please…” or “contributions to xyz would be appreciated” appear…
Funeral Etiquette: At the Service
If ever there were a time for decorum to be upheld, it is at a funeral, memorial, or graveside service.…
Religious Customs at Funerals
Funeral and burial traditions for Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu faiths.
After the Funeral
The first year of mourning after a death brings many changes. Here are a few things to expect.
Sympathy Flowers
With their beauty, color, and scent, flowers serve as grace notes during the mourning period, whether…
Breaking Up
Ending a relationship well may seem impossible, but it can be done if both people stay true to the principles…
The Etiquette of Separation
Separation raise practical questions about names, titles, rings, and social invitations. Here are tips…
Practicalities After a Divorce
The practical aspects of divorce include making some necessary changes to names and addresses. It's also…