Business Etiquette
Your Resume Gets You the Interview;
Your People Skills Get You the Job
Personal skills can make or break relationships. And when it comes to business, whether it is in a meeting, in an email, around a water cooler, on a business trip, at a business event, or at an important business meal, they are the key to your professional relationships. An individual’s professional success hinges on how well they can build strong relationships. In turn, when an individual is successful, their company succeeds as well. Explore our articles below on business etiquette which include:
- The professional manners that people expect to know
- The skills to figure out how to interact with others successfully when there is no manner
- The confidence to handle any situation, from the day-to-day to the crucial
- And more...
Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview
Get ready for you next job interview ahead of time and make sure your first impression is a good one.…
Professional Email Etiquette for Work
Good etiquette practices can ensure your work emails are performing at their best, and are representing…
Etiquette for a Great Handshake
A great handshake can make a lasting impression and serves as a crucial aspect of business and social…
Beyond the Handshake: Hugs and the Social Kiss
Tips on when it’s okay—or not—to use hugs and kisses as personal greetings in a business setting.
Job Interview Tips 101
Your resume is perfectly printed on high quality paper and you've practiced answering every off-beat…
Responding to a Client’s Note of Appreciation
Does business etiquette require you to send a “thank-you” letter in response to a letter from a client…
Effective Business Letters
The old-fashioned personal business letter—written on pristine, high-quality paper, sealed in an envelope,…
Rejecting a Client's "Friend" Request
Tips on how to navigate keeping your work life and social media life separate.
Seating at an Official Luncheon or Dinner
When entertaining dignitaries, such as government or military officials and foreign diplomats, the host…
Seven No-Brainers for Job Interviews
Tips for making a good impression at your next job interview.
Top Ten Email Manners
Ten best practices when using email professionally. From writing to responding.
Using Titles in Other Nations
A quick guide to common foreign titles and forms of address.
Using a Professional Title after Retirement
I am a retired attorney, I am in good standing, but as a retired attorney I cannot practice law. When…
Guidelines for Grooming at the Office
Is it okay to comb your hair at your desk? How about applying foot lotion? Here's some advice on what's…
Etiquette Quiz for Job Seekers
Test your job-seeking savvy with this quiz. Write down your answer to each question, and then following…
Personal Style and the Job Interview - Beards?
Should you wear a beard to a job interview? Applying for a job implies that you’re interested in becoming…
Corporate Gift Giving
Gift giving is a time-honored and thoughtful way of building business relationships. But gift-giving…
How to Handle Radio Silence During the Interview Process
How to handle radio silence after a job interview. Should you reach out? Should you wait? Here are some…
Gum Chewing at Work: Appropriate or Not?
The short answer is that it is appropriate to chew gum on the job, as long as you do it quietly. It is…
Gender and Business
Translating traditional social manners and expectations to business can be tricky. Here are some traditional…
The Office Kitchen
The kitchen can be the messiest room in the office, used by all and owned by none. Here are ways you…
Business Meals: Who Pays?
The last word on who pays for a business lunch or dinner. It is the host.
Business Meals
Your behavior at a business dinner is every bit as important as the fellowship it fosters. These are…
The Business of Thanks
When in doubt, Handwritten or Emailed?, choose the note. A prompt, sincere, handwritten one is always…
How to Use Active Listening to Build Relationships
Active listening is an accountable, thoughtful and professional way to improve personal relationships,…
Is Professionalism Declining?
Survey results regarding professionalism in the workplace.HR and management professionals stated that…
Language Barriers at Work
In our globalized economy, it is becoming increasingly likely that you will work with people from cultures…
Dealing with an Office Bully
Surveys show that as many as forty percent of those workers who have been treated rudely leave their…
Confrontations with Management
When you have a complaint or criticism, how you present your case can make all the difference to the…
The Art of Listening
Listening is often times the most important way to participate in a conversation. It is not as simple…
Top Seven Tips for Business Meetings
Business meetings can be a great communication tool and perfect opportunity to demonstrate your skills…
How to Say “No” Graciously
Saying "no" well, is a great skill to harness both in your work life and your personal life. While it…
Download: Four Tips for Resolving Workplace Conflict
With pressure to perform, stress can arise in many workplaces, and with it, conflict. Conflict resolution…
Download: 10 Etiquette Tips for Business Meetings
Whether you are meeting with your team, the entire staff, a client, a buyer, or a supplier, how you present…
Download: 10 Business Etiquette Resolutions for the New Year
Whether it's a brand new year or just a moment you choose to refocus your efforts, it's always a great…
Download: Top Five Etiquette Offenses That Could Get You Fired
According to a recent survey of more than 2,000 executives conducted by, here are the…
Download: 11 Tips for Surviving the Office Holiday Party
Relationships with clients and prospects are obvious, but equally important are the relationships with…
Download: Top Five Civility Actions Every Employee Should Put Forward
67 percent of Americans believe incivility is a major problem, according to a 2014 Emily Post Institute…
Download: The Bulletin Board Rule
Before you hit SEND, make sure you follow the bulletin board rule. Download the Bulletin Board Rule to…
Download: 10 Tips on Business Etiquette
How you present yourself to others in the business world speaks volumes. Business etiquette provides…
Download: Top 10 Business Dining Etiquette Tips
Your own behavior at business meals is every bit as important as the fellowship they foster. Remember:…
Download: Nine Tips for Written Communication Etiquette
From communicating via intra-office memos or letters to utilizing text messaging and social media, here…
Reuters: Talking Politics at Work and Home
The best political conversation is one where the participants can gain deeper or broader knowledge while…
Reuters: Email Etiquette at Work and Home
Businesses live and breathe by email. It's no longer uncommon to work regularly with people you've never…
Reuters: Polite Air Travel in the 21st century
Who owns the middle seat arm rests on an airplane, really? How do you break away from the marathon talker…
Reuters: Good Sportsmanship
Top good sportsmanship tips for players, fans, and parents of little athletes.
Reuters: No Excuse Not to RSVP
Failure to RSVP (French for répondez s'il vous plaît, or "please reply") is one of the biggest etiquette…
Reuters: What Not to Wear to Work in the Summer
What's hot and what's not in summer office attire.
Reuters: The Prize-Winning Houseguest
No matter how closely you're related or how well you know your friends, being a guest in someone's home…
Reuters: Be a Gracious Wedding Guest, Not a Royal Pain
Though the focus is understandably on brides, grooms, their attendants and families at weddings, guests…