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Dangerous Liaisons

Your question speaks volumes about the problems with office romances. You don’t say whether your company has a policy about relationships between coworkers. Many do, precisely to avoid the kinds the issues you raise. Talking to your vice president on your own doesn’t seem to have worked. If other colleagues also are affected, you can try getting them to agree to meet with your vice president as a group to discuss the situation. You’ll need several people, and you should come prepared with specific examples of the problems you’ve mentioned. If no one else is willing to take an active role and your company has no policy regarding office liaisons, you may have no where else to turn. If you cannot abide the situation, then your only option may be to start looking elsewhere for a job. Source: Post, Peter, "Etiquette at Work," Boston Globe For information on Emily Post Business Etiquette Programs contact Steven Puettner, Director of Sales, at or 802-860-1814.