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Dating 101: Small Things that Make a Big Difference Hero Label

Dating 101: Small Things that Make a Big Difference

dating 101: couple on a date together near window with evening city lights in the background

Here are some simple things you can do on a date that will leave the other person feeling relaxed and well-cared-for:

Be on Time

This shows that you are ready for the date, you're dependable, and you care enough about being with him or her to make the effort to be punctual.

Dress Appropriately

Bottom line, the atmosphere and your attire need to match. Consider whether this is a casual date or if you need to put a little more effort into your wardrobe that evening. Your choice of dress sends serious signals about your social skills, not to mention your personality. Someone wearing a clubbing dress, no matter how great they look in it, to a baseball game indicates that they think clubbing attire belongs everywhere—which it doesn't. Someone who wears jeans and a T-shirt to a formal restaurant risks the perception that they don't know how to dress for a night out—or that they know but don't care enough to put in the effort or to respect the establishment where they will be dining.

Maintain Your Composure

If you're driving to dinner or the movies and you're running late because of traffic, honking your horn and swearing will only make your date uncomfortable. And if you find it impossible to sit still or focus on your date because you're so concerned about when the food will arrive, he or she will wonder whether you've gone out on the date for them or the appetizers. So relax, enjoy your date's company, and be aware of what signals your demeanor is sending.

Go Easy on the Alcohol

There's nothing worse than suddenly realizing your date is drunk. Period.