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Download: 10 Business Etiquette Resolutions for the New Year Hero Label

Download: 10 Business Etiquette Resolutions for the New Year

Whether it's a brand new year or just a moment you choose to refocus your efforts, it's always a great time to challenge yourself to improve your business etiquette. How you present yourself to others in the business world speaks volumes, so basic business etiquette can go a long way in how you are perceived by those with whom you do business.

People form first impressions about others within seconds of meeting—therefore, it is crucial to ensure you are properly prepared to present yourself as a professional. From introductions to meeting manners to how you treat your coworkers, here are some fundamental tips on what you need to know when establishing relationships.

10 Business Etiquette Resolutions for the New Year [download]

  1. Be on time. Start out every interaction—employee, employer, colleague, business acquaintance—on a positive note rather than having to apologize for being late.
  2. Use “please,” “thank you” and “you’re welcome.” "Please" turns a demand into a request. “Thank you” changes an expectation into an appreciation. “You’re welcome,” acknowledges the other person’s thanks.
  3. Be prepared. There’s nothing more frustrating than having someone tie up a meeting because he or she hasn’t completed the assigned work.
  4. Treat people equally. Be sure to treat each person with whom you interact, no matter what their role or position in the company, with respect. Make sure your employees practice good etiquette with customers and with each other to be able to work in a friction-free atmosphere. Positive, courteous service will improve business and encourage repeat customers.
  5. Focus on the people you are with. Don’t let your smartphone interrupt you while you are speaking with someone or in a meeting. Be willing to turn your phone off in order to be fully present.
  6. Always return calls. Be timely in returning calls, either on the same day or within 24 hours. Even if you can’t answer someone’s question, let him or her know you have received the message and when you will be able to respond.
  7. Dress appropriately. Businesspeople can show respect for those with whom they interact by dressing (and grooming) appropriately for every situation. This awareness can save embarrassment and keep the focus on your work and what you have to say.
  8. Take responsibility for your mistakes. It’s not a question of if you are going to make a mistake at work, it’s a question of when. How are you going to handle it? Responsibility involves two critical steps: First, apologize sincerely. Second, offer a solution to the problem.
  9. Be a 24/7 professional. Know that your actions outside of work affect you and your organization. The person who took your parking spot could be a future client—or your boss. Be mindful of good manners at all times.
  10. Thank people twice. At the end of a meeting, business meal, or interaction, thank the person as you leave and then again the next day with a note to reinforce your appreciation.

Click the link to download this list: New Years Etiquette Resolutions

At Emily Post, we don’t teach rules or preach protocol. We guide you in making an amazing impression over and over again that helps build better, stronger relationships that win business.