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Download: Top Five Etiquette Offenses That Could Get You Fired Hero Label

Download: Top Five Etiquette Offenses That Could Get You Fired

The success you have in your business life is largely based on your ability to build relationships with colleagues, customers, coworkers, and others. Understanding and displaying proper workplace etiquette is a vital piece for building these relationships. In addition, it shows respect for yourself and courtesy for others. On the opposite side, however, etiquette offenses are not only unprofessional, they can also be a red flag that could bring your career advancement to a screeching halt.

Business Etiquette Offenses That Could Get You Fired [download]

According to a recent survey of more than 2,000 executives conducted by, here are the top 5 office

etiquette offenses you’ll want to be sure to avoid.

  1. Foul language—of the numerous bad attitudes and behaviors that could annoy or offend coworkers and bosses, foul language tops the list.
  2. Gossip—gossip can change the quality of a work environment and distract employees. Let your coworkers know that you won’t engage in gossip. If you find yourself in a position where others are gossiping, change the conversation or exit the room.
  3. Drinking on the job. Enough said.
  4. Leaving the office without telling anyone—you owe your employer your time and effort and if you cut into that and leave without telling anyone, your action will reflect poorly on you. Do it repeatedly, and you could lose your job.
  5. Personal cell phone use—excessive personal conversations during work time is not only interruptive and unproductive, it could put you in the unemployment line.

Click the link to download this list: Business_Etiquette_Five_Fireable_Offenses

At Emily Post, we don’t teach rules or preach protocol. We guide you in making an amazing impression over and over again that helps build better, stronger relationships that win business.