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Dressing for the Occasion: The Office Party Hero Label

Dressing for the Occasion: The Office Party

At the workplace after work

Both men and women can simply show up in the clothes they have worn all day, or they may opt to change or dress it up a bit.

Outside the office

Generally, both men and women change into dress clothes. Because the event is a business one, overly dressy or revealing clothing is in poor taste. It's better to err on the conservative side. If you are unsure about what to wear check in with the event coordinator or a colleague who has attended these social events in the past.

The name tag: a must wear accessory

Wear your name tag if the function calls for them. Name tags are both necessary and useful at business functions attended by people from other departments or businesses. For information on Emily Post Business Etiquette Programs contact Steven Puettner, Director of Sales, at or 802-860-1814.