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Etiquette Quiz for Job Seekers Hero Label

Etiquette Quiz for Job Seekers

Test your job-seeking savvy with this quiz. Write down your answer to each question, and then following the scoring instructions at the end of the quiz to find out if you're on the fast track to getting hired or in need to brush up on your job search skills.

  1. How did you decide what kind of a job to look for?
    1. I carefully evaluated my skills, interests and goals and have targeted a profession that would allow me to achieve my goals and keep me interested over a long period of time.
    2. A lot of my friends have gone into this profession and they're reasonably happy with it.
    3. I don't care what I do, I just want to make a lot of money.
  2. How have you put networking to work for you?
    1. I have contacted everyone I know to see if they have any good contacts for me or if they have heard of any job openings.
    2. I told a few of my friends that I was looking for work, but I don't want to push anyone into helping me find a job.
    3. I want to get this job on my own.
  3. How have you used the phone to find out about open positions?
    1. I have called all of the places where I am interested in working to see if they have any open positions.
    2. I'm afraid that if I call I will be bothering them.
    3. I'm not planning to contact any potential employers by phone. If they need help they'll advertise.
  4. How have you been trying to find ads that describe the job you want?
    1. I read the ads in the local papers, online, and in all of the related trade publications I could find both in print and online.
    2. I read the ads in the paper and I have been keeping my eyes open downtown for Help Wanted signs.
    3. I read the ads in the local paper.
  5. How have you made sure that your resume really sells you and your skills?
    1. I carefully created my resume with all of my strengths and related experience in mind. Then I proof read it again and again. Finally, I handed it out to a few of my professional contacts to get their feedback on it.
    2. I took a lot of time to create my resume and I ran it through spell check on my computer.
    3. I wrote down what I've done in my career and when I did it.
  6. What do you say in the cover letter?
    1. I write a letter detailing why I want the available position, why I am qualified to fill it, and where I have received the experience that qualifies me for the position.
    2. I write a paragraph telling them that I am interested in the open position, that I have a lot of good experience and that I am a very hard working employee.
    3. I just write a few sentences saying that I am interested in the job they advertised in the paper.
  7. How do you dress for the interview?
    1. I try to dress with the culture of the office I am visiting in mind while striving to look professional.
    2. I wear my normal work clothes—the ones I wore to work that day anyway.
    3. I wear my jeans and tee shirt—I don't want to have to change who I am just to make an impression.
  8. How do you respond to questions in the interview?
    1. I listen carefully and take time to think about each question before offering a response, being sure to highlight my strengths.
    2. I respond quickly with the first response that comes to me.
    3. As soon as I think I know what the question is, I jump in with my answer, even if the interviewer is not finished asking the question.
  9. How do you choose your references?
    1. I think about who I have worked for and where I got job experience that relates to the job I am looking for. Then, I call the former employers who I have targeted and ask them if they would be willing to speak about me. Finally, if they agree to be one of my references, I send them a copy of my resume and a letter telling them what I am looking for.
    2. I list my favorite past employers and call them or leave messages telling them that someone might be calling to ask about me.
    3. I just list all of my previous employers and hope that they say good things about me.
  10. When do you send thank-you notes?
    1. I send out a thank-you note after every interview on the day of the interview. Even if they don't hire me this time, I am pretty sure they will remember me next time.
    2. I send thank-you notes to the places where I really want to work. I don't bother with the others.
    3. I don't think thank-you notes are really necessary. They know I am interested in the job and that's really all that matters.


Add up the number of corresponding points for each letter: A’s are 2 points, B’s are 1 point and C’s are 0 points.

15 – 20 You get the job!

You’re interested and excited about your work, you are thoughtful and considerate and we think you'll be a huge asset to the company!

10 – 14 You are being considered.

Focus on approaching every job opportunity with enthusiasm and confidence. Remember, you want the job offer, even if you don't think you'll take the job.

0 – 9 Your resume is in the pile.

You need to spend considerable time contemplating what you want to do with your career before applying for any more jobs, and when you do apply—sell yourself!