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Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 1 Table Manners Hero Label

Five-Step Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays: Step 1 Table Manners

Welcome to Step One!

Holidays typically mean meals, and meals mean table manners. So let’s begin there:

graphic: what are some good table manners for kids to keep in mind for the holidays

Practice setting a simple table setting: fork on the left, knife and spoon on the right (knife next to the plate), glass on the right above the knife and spoon.

illustration: basic table setting

The kids can also help create the table decorations, make holiday place cards, decide on a seating plan, and create a special holiday centerpiece—but not so high you can’t see over it!

Then review the basics and practice, practice, practice:

  • Wash up.
  • Napkin in lap.
  • Wait until all are served or the hostess begins to eat.
  • Please and thank you.
  • Hold utensils properly.
  • Chew with your mouth closed.
  • Offer to help clear.
  • Say, "thank you!" to the cook!

Next we’ll take a look at the social side of a holiday meal: the table conversation.

Next, Step Two: Table Conversation!