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Graduation: Ceremony, Celebration, or Both? Hero Label

Graduation: Ceremony, Celebration, or Both?

graduates tossing their caps in the air

Graduation marks a milepost in the lives of student. It’s a serious yet joyful event. And therein lies the conundrum: Do we show our pride in the graduate with air horns and beach balls? Or do we show respect in somber silence? The answer lies somewhere in the middle. Consider these questions as you decide how you’ll demonstrate your excitement for your graduate:

  • Does it fit with the tradition of the institution?
  • Will others be able to hear their loved one’s special moment?
  • Does it reflect the significance of the ceremony?
  • Will the graduate hear it with pride?

If you said “yes” to all the above you are probably in the right ballpark. If not, you may want to reconsider and find another way to honor those you love at their graduation ceremony. You can always bring out the beach balls at their graduation party later!