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Lizzie Post's Recipes for All Occasions Hero Label

Lizzie Post's Recipes for All Occasions

We love a good meal at Emily Post

Etiquette is fundamentally all about relationships. Relationships are formed, strengthened and renewed when we share food. Ask people what the word etiquette makes them think of and many will say the dinner table. We know that in the end, it is the warmth of the company, and not the quality of the meal that one remembers most. But why not let the food be a happy part of the memory too?

Whether entertaining friends, family or yourself we have options. Sometime you need to whip up something quick and hearty, other times cooking is about spending the time to make something special. The results can all be tasty when you know what you are doing. Try our recipes for everything from cheese crostini's to chicken soup to icebox cake - we think you and everyone at your table will enjoy.