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Men's Manners: How People View Us Hero Label

Men's Manners: How People View Us

In a 2011 Emily Post Institute survey, respondents told us where men are most likely to have significant problems with their appearance. Failing to bathe, foul language, and smoking all emerged as major issues.

Failure To Bathe—Really

Each of us is responsible for the image we project. Taking that responsibility seriously is a clear signal of your respect for others. If you choose to go on a date without

cleaning up first, you are responsible when your date decides they don't want to see you again.


It used to be a smoker's world. You could light up just about anywhere—in an airplane, in a cab or in a restaurant—with total freedom. Not anymore. Nobody is impressed with a person who smokes where smoking is prohibited. The smell of smoke on your clothes or in your car can also be bothersome to others.


Swearing is a cultural issue. Certain groups may be comfortable with the use of certain words while others may not be. People also have differing opinions about what constitutes swearing. Bottom line: Being careful to choose our words so we don't offend our listeners is a lesson we all need to learn periodically. If you're not sure if swearing will bother someone, be considerate and hold your tongue. This is an excerpt from Essential Manners for Men, 2nd edition, by Peter Post.