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Official Forms of Address: Diplomatic Hero Label

Official Forms of Address: Diplomatic

Image of the capitol building from the side front with flags in the foreground and overlay text reading 'how do I address a formal letter to a specific government official?'


American Ambassador

Letter Address:

The Honorable Full Name

Ambassador of the United States

American Embassy



Dear Mr. / Madam Ambassador:

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Madam Ambassador

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Full Name, Ambassador of the United States of America (at post)

(when not at post add: to County)

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Full Name, Ambassador of the United States of America

American Ambassador (when no foreign nationals are present, add: to Country)

Ambassador Last Name, United States of America

Foreign Ambassador

Letter Address

His / Her Excellency Full Name

The Ambassador of ________

The Embassy of ________



Excellency: or,

Dear Mr. / Madam Ambassador:

Spoken Greeting


Mr. / Madam Ambassador

Formal Introduction

His / Her Excellency, the Honorable Full Name, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of _______

The Ambassador of _______