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Official Forms of Address: United States Government Hero Label

Official Forms of Address: United States Government

forms of address American government

US Government

The President

Letter Address

The President

The White House

Dear Mr. / Madam President:

Spoken Greeting
First: Mr. / Madam President
Then: Sir / Ma’am

Formal Introduction
The President of the United States (of America- when abroad)
The President
President Last Name

Former President

Letter Address
The Honorable Full Name

Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name:

Spoken Greeting
First: Mr. President
Then: Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction
The Honorable Full Name, the former President of the United States

The President’s Spouse

Letter Address

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Full Name

The White House


Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name:

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

The Vice President

Letter Address

The Vice President

The White House


Dear Mr. / Madam Vice President:

Spoken Greeting

First: Mr. / Madam Vice President

Then: Sir / Ma’am

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Vice President of the United States

The Vice President

Vice President Last Name

Cabinet Members

Letter Address

The Honorable Full Name

Secretary of (Department)

Department of __________



Dear Mr. / Madam Secretary

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Madam Secretary

Secretary Last Name

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Full Name, The Secretary of _________ of the United States

The Secretary of ________

Attorney General

Letter Address

The Honorable Full Name

The Attorney General



Dear Mr. / Ms. / Madam Attorney General:

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Ms. / Madam Attorney General

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Attorney General

The Chief Justice

Letter Address

The Chief Justice

The Supreme Court



Dear Chief Justice:

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Madam Chief Justice

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Full Name, The Chief Justice of the United States

The Chief Justice

Chief Justice Last Name

Associate Justice

Letter Address

Justice Last Name

The Supreme Court



Dear Justice Last Name:

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Madam Justice

Justice Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Full Name, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

Justice Last Name

Federal Judge

Letter Address

The Honorable Full Name

U.S. Court of _______



Dear Judge Last Name:

Spoken Greeting

Justice or Judge Last Name

Madam Justice or Judge Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Full Name

Mr. / Madam Justice Last Name

Judge Last Name


Letter Address

The Honorable Full Name

United States Senate

Washington, DC

or district office address


Dear Senator Last Name:

Spoken Greeting

Senator Last Name

Then: Senator, Sir / Ma’am

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Senator Last Name, Senator from State

Senator Last Name


Letter Address

The Honorable Full Name

United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC

or district office address


Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name:

Spoken Greeting

Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Last Name

Formal Introduction

The Honorable Last Name, Representative from State

Congressman / Congresswoman Last Name