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Seven Guidelines for Excellent Mobile Manners Hero Label

Seven Guidelines for Excellent Mobile Manners

Mobile Devices Manners Guidelines

The desire to be more connected to family, friends and co-workers, combined with devices that are "always on," contributes to an innate need to have mobile devices available all day, every day, from early morning to late night. In fact, one in five adults admits to checking their mobile device before they get out of bed in the morning, according to an Intel survey.

The top mobile etiquette gripes continue to be the use of mobile devices while driving (73 percent), talking on a device loudly in public places (65 percent), and using a mobile device while walking on the street (28 percent).

The premise of etiquette and how we socialize with one another is not a new concept. Whenever we interact with another person directly or through the use of mobile technology, etiquette is a factor. Being more cognizant of how we use our mobile technology and how our usage may impact others around us - at home, in the office and whenever we are in public - requires awareness.

Here are some mobile etiquette guidelines for those who use a variety of mobile devices on a daily basis:

  1. Practice what you preach: If you don't like others' bad behavior, don't engage in it.
  2. Be present: Give your full attention to those you are with, such as when in a meeting or on a date. No matter how well you think you multi-task, you'll make a better impression. The small moments matter.
  3. Before making a call, texting or emailing in public, consider if your actions will impact others. If they will, reconsider, wait or move away first.
  4. Talk with your family, friends and colleagues about ground rules for mobile device usage during personal time.
  5. Some places should stay private: Don't use a mobile device while using a restroom. Please.
  6. NEVER text or read while driving.
  7. Beware the captive audience - think elevator, in line, crowded terminals, office break rooms. If you have to take/make a call, keep your voice volume down and use magic words like "excuse me" or "pardon me" to acknowledge any inconvenience you may cause with your device to others present.