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Seven No-Brainers for Job Interviews Hero Label

Seven No-Brainers for Job Interviews

two women sitting at a small table in an open floor office

A job interview can be intimidating—you only have a short amount of time to make a good impression on the interviewer. There are definitely some tricks to having a good job interview and giving yourself the best chance to be hired. Whether you are applying to baby sit, work in a clothing store or a restaurant, or join a corporation, these tips will guarantee that you make a good impression.

  1. Be prepared. Have all the pertinent information about yourself in order. Write out your contact information so you can give it to the interviewer. Plan the questions you want to ask. Know where the interview will be and how long it takes to get there. Know the interviewer’s name.
  2. Be early. Use the time to compose yourself, think about what you want to get across about yourself, and review any questions you want to ask.
  3. Dress appropriately. For a job at the local clothing store it will be one outfit; for a pool-cleaning job it might be something different. Either way, your clothes should be clean, neat and without tears or holes. (And not too revealing!)
  4. Speak clearly and make eye contact. Even if you are shy!
  5. Address the interviewer by name. Use “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “Ms.” unless the interviewer asks you to use a first name.
  6. Shake hands twice. Once when you arrive and once when you leave.
  7. Thank them twice. Once verbally when you leave and once in writing. (It's okay to send an email thank-you right away, and then immediately follow up with a handwritten note.)