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Summer Party Ideas for Kids Hero Label

Summer Party Ideas for Kids

Summer is a time for entertaining—even for kids!

With no school to worry about, kids can do all the planning and make the preparations for a party. It’s not only fun but is great practice for years of entertaining when they are grown up and out on their own. The first step in the planning process is for kids and their parents to agree that a party is a great idea. Then then can determine who will be doing the work, and some basic guidelines the kids can work within. Then the fun really starts: The kids can decide what type of party they will have. Here are some ideas for five fun parties:

For groups of 4-6 guests:

For groups of 8-15 guests:

And though it isn’t quite as much fun, the kids need to plan, plan, plan—the better prepared they are, the better the party will be.

The planning process should include:

Remember that a successful party is one where the guests get along well, the activities are fun, and the food is good.
For more on these party ideas and kids as hosts and guests, see The Guide to Good Manners for Kids by Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D. and Peggy Post.