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Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview Hero Label

Tips on Preparing for a Job Interview

Getting Ready for a Great Interview

Starting off on the right foot in any interview process is essential. The work of having a great interview begins well before the interview. It beings with the preparation that sets you up for success when the moment arrives. Make sure your first impression is a good one. Whether you are a teen applying for an after school job, a college grad applying for your first "full-time" job, or an experienced professional looking to make a move, the following checklist and tips can help you prepare to make the best first impression possible. Go over the following a few days ahead of time and be sure you have everything in place.

Pre-Interview Checklist

  • Your shoes are clean and/or polished.
  • Your clothes are pressed and stain-free.
  • Your nails are clean and neat.
  • Your hair is neat or well styled.
  • Gentlemen—your face is shaved or beard trimmed.
  • Ladies—you have a lipstick, powder compact and an extra pair of pantyhose.
  • You have removed all extra jewelry.
  • You have at least three clean copies of your resume and have created a LinkedIn profile with a professional looking head-shot.
  • You have the address and phone number of the meeting place as well as the time for the interview double checked.
  • Determine how to get there and how long it will take. Being on time is critical so leave plenty of time for transitions and parking.
  • You know the names of everyone you are meeting and how to pronounce them.
  • You have a notebook and pen, or something to take notes on besides a phone.
  • Your bag has essentials only—nothing bulky or extra.
  • You are prepared for rain, sleet or snow, and your coat is in good condition.
  • You have silenced or turned off your phone or any electronic devices that could disrupt the interview.
  • Ladies—you have a lipstick, powder compact and an extra pair of pantyhose.

Do the next five things with everyone you meet and you are well on your way to success!

  1. Look them in the eye.
  2. Give a firm handshake.
  3. Greet them - "How do you do?" or "How do you do, Mrs. ________"
  4. When saying your name, say it slowly and clearly.
  5. Smile!

For more information on Emily Post Business Etiquette Programs contact Renee DeBell at