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Traveling with Friends Hero Label

Traveling with Friends

Traveling with friends can be a true test of friendship. Being cooped up together in a car, plane, or hotel room can easily lead to friction among the best of friends. To help stave off tensions, make sure you and your traveling companions have three things in common:

Similar Tastes: If you prefer picnics in the country and simple country inns, don't travel with friends whose idea of heaven is a five-star city hotel and going to night clubs. Similar Budgets: Having an overall idea of what you're each planning to spend on travel, meals, and lodging means everyone can enjoy the trip without worrying about finances. Synchronized Body Clocks: If you like to be up and on the sightseeing bus by 8:00 am, don't travel with people who prefer to sleep until noon. When you plan your trip, make sure you agree on the general itinerary, and give each person the opportunity to include their "must-dos" or "must sees." You and your companions don't have to do everything together. If you spend an afternoon at a museum while your friend explores the city, you'll be able to share each other's experiences over dinner that night. However you handle the costs, work out your plan before you head off on your journey. A few options to consider include: