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Awesome Etiquette Podcast

Lizzie Post (medium build with long blond hair) stands in casual attire - grey jeans, Bob Segar T-Shirt and Carhart Vest - holds open large etiquette book with her nose in the air. Daniel Post Senning (lean with brown hair) in a white button down shirt and yellow napkin tucked into his collar, is seated gripping a fork in his left fist and knife in his right. His head is cocked and his expression ever so slightly threatening. It is a humorous depiction of the two cousins who teach and write about etiquette
Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning Photo by Brent Harrewyn

Meet Our Show

Each episode starts off with a friendly hello and some Post-cousin banter about Vermont life, and the adventures that being etiquette experts entail (Riveting.)... This is followed by Post answers to four to five listener submitted etiquette questions ranging from how to handle group take-out orders to the nitty-gritty of names and titles... Then the cousins turn back to the listeners for a feedback segment that helps further shape the etiquette advice they give and offers fresh perspectives and solutions to the situations discussed in previous episodes… Next up is a 'Postscript' segment where the Posts cover topics that range from readings of etiquette books old and new, to deep dives into specific etiquette topics and adventures in emerging etiquette… The show ends on a high note with a listener submitted 'Etiquette Salute' offered to inspire and bring the focus back to the good we all see in the world.

Hosts Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning (cousins, co-presidents of the Emily Post Institute and great-great-grandchildren of Emily Post) answer your questions about etiquette in the 21st century on this weekly Q&A podcast with advice based on consideration, respect, and honesty. Awesome Etiquette guides listeners through everything from traditional etiquette quandaries to everyday and emerging issues in today’s world.

Have a question, feedback, or etiquette salute for the show? Send your submissions to You can also call and leave us a message with your question, feedback, or salute at 802-858-KIND (802-858-5463). We’d love to hear your voice!

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daniel post senning sitting at a radio microphone holding his hands up in a big gesture like he is holding an extra large beachball

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One of the best ways to support Awesome Etiquette and guarantee that new episodes arrive weekly is by engaging with our sponsors! Check out the great deals available to you, that help keep Awesome Etiquette answering questions long into the future!

 Our show is proud to be sponsored by the following companies:

ONESKIN - We highly recommend that you try this stuff. Dan loves it, and Lizzie's getting compliments on her skin. Use code MANNERS at checkout

STORYWORTH - This makes for an excellent gift especially around the holidays, use code MANNERS at checkout.

Podcast Episodes

Episode 16: Angry Donors, Racist Card Games, and How to Eat Bread

Oct 25

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Episode 15: The Trapped Pool Cleaner

Oct 25

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Episode 14: The Art of ‘Please’

Oct 25

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Episode 13: The Office Party and the Pre-Party Party

Sep 23

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Episode 12: An Awesome Etiquette Thanksgiving

Sep 14

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Episode 11: Kate Middleton’s Hands

Aug 24

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Episode 10: The History of Toasting

Aug 23

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Episode 9: Nosy Bosses, Dietary Preferences, and Bringing the Dog

Oct 25

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Episode 8: Tipping the Dog Walker

Aug 9

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Episode 7: Quit Touching Meggan’s Purple Hair

Aug 9

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