Excuse Me, But I Was Next…
How to Handle the Top 100 Manners Dilemmas
“Excuse Me, But I Was Next…” by etiquette expert Peggy Post is here to guide you through top 100 etiquette issues that vex everyone.
Have you ever been annoyed by cell phone yakkers, line-cutters, or noxious neighbors? Been confused about who pays at a restaurant? Wanted to retire a family tradition? Had to break up a play date fight? Spotted someone double dipping? Received a gift you hated? Everyone has been baffled by situations like there. So, how do you deal with the dilemmas of everyday life?
In “Excuse Me, But I Was Next…” you’ll learn how to politely say “no” to difficult requests, how to introduce someone whose name you’ve forgotten, damage control for email bloopers, what to do if people don’t reply to your RSVP, how to actually get your kids to write thank-you notes, and much more. In Excuse Me, Peggy Post distills the essence of etiquette into a portable powerhouse of solutions, answers, and definite declarations on behavior. These are quick etiquette fixes for our fast-paced times, written in Peggy’s unpretentious style that has made her America’s most-liked and most-trusted manners expert.
“Most etiquette dilemmas arise when people don’t know what to do. This results in a feeling of uncertainty and, ultimately, a sense that you may do something wrong or offend someone,” says Peggy Post. “I want “Excuse Me, But I Was Next…” to help alleviate that feeling of uncertainty and empower people to make informed decisions in any given situation. That way they can navigate life’s social waters with confidence and grace.”