The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd Edition Personal Skills for Professional Success
The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd edition
Authored by Peter Post, Anna Post, Lizzie Post, Daniel Post Senning
This essential etiquette reference for any professional touches on all aspects of business etiquette today, from why manners matter in the modern world to how ethical behavior and etiquette are intertwined. This new edition has advice for everyone from the job seeker to the C-Suite occupant. The latest update focuses on four areas that are particularly germane to the 21st century: communications, dining etiquette, business travel, and relationships.
Since the publication of the 2nd edition of The Etiquette Advantage in Business in 2005, social networking and electronic communications have overtaken the business world. The 3rdedition addresses this revolution with expanded, detailed coverage in a number of chapters, including:
- “The Good Writer” focuses on the importance of email communications— one of The Emily Post Institute’s most requested seminar topics.
- “On the Telephone” and a new chapter, “The Smartphone,” discuss the importance of using mobile devices considerately in today’s work world.
- “Digital Communications” is an entirely new chapter that brings clarity to key etiquette issues for anyone who texts, blogs, comments, or emails with easy-to-remember tips.
- “Social Networking” examines the issues employers and employees encounter as they interact on social media both professionally and personally.
The previous edition of The Etiquette Advantage in Business included two chapters on dining etiquette. Since it is the single most requested topic in Emily Post Business Etiquette Seminars, the 3rd edition contains six chapters that break down dining etiquette into manageable and understandable advice for both hosts and participants. Examples of important topics covered are:
- The One-Drink Rule
- The importance of RSVPs
- Whether a man should hold a chair for a woman
- When it’s appropriate for talk to turn to business
- How to successfully conduct business entertaining at home
- Essential table manners and why they matter
In the nine years since the last edition was published, business has become undeniably more global. Not only are executives traveling abroad, but workers at every level are, also, finding themselves being called on to travel regionally, nationally, and internationally. The 3rd edition of Etiquette Advantage in Business highlights such aspects of travel as:
- Airplane travel and hotel courtesies
- Advice for business people who attend trade shows, conventions, and other off-site events, such as a company-sponsored gala or a visit to a client’s golf club
- A new chapter titled “Doing Business in Another Country” stresses the importance of developing a positive, open-minded attitude toward different cultures and explores the ways business travelers can research their destinations so they represent themselves and their companies in the best light.
For the first time, businesses have members of four different generations working together. Each generation has its own unique experience to draw on in developing its approach to the workplace and colleagues. The relationships between boss and employee and between coworkers are affected by generational and gender differences. A new chapter, “Gender and Generations in the Workplace,” gives advice on gender-related issues as well as generational disparities and how to navigate them.
The 3rd edition of The Etiquette Advantage in Business is tied together with two new elements throughout the entire book that make the advice specific, relatable, and easy to internalize. “Tips” have been added to the text in each chapter to highlight specific actions readers can take to interact more successfully. “Question and Answer” boxes are used to illustrate specific real-world problems people have been asked in Emily Post Business Etiquette Seminars.
Unmatched as a trusted resource, The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd edition is the go-to guide for handling any kind of situation in the workplace. This edition expands upon specific issues important to business in the 21st century.
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Angelique Leacock