Digital Stationery for Texts

Emily Post and HighNote
The HiNote Emily Post collection allows you to dress up your text messages and other digital communications with digital stationery templates. Making messages more meaningful is something we are all about at Emily Post. We are so pleased to have our very own capsule of HiNotes on the app to share with you! Here are some examples from our ten-piece digital stationery collection.
There’s something for every occasion!
Notes like “Confirming,” “Checking in,” and “Looking Forward To,” are great for checking in on plans and following up after RSVPs or checking in on how someone is doing.
“You’re Invited” and “Please Join Us” are excellent digital invitations that will get more notice than generic text invites.
Our RSVP note is stand out way to send your response to a casual invitation.
The monogrammed note can be used for anything from RSVPing to invitations to just saying “Hi!”
We also have a sympathy note for those times when it’s appropriate to express your sympathy through text - and yes there are times when it could be appropriate.
And of course, our “Thank you” note has endless applications for favors, gifts, and other genuine moments of appreciation.