Children's Etiquette Train the Trainer
Unlike other etiquette programs
The Emily Post Children’s Etiquette train the trainer programs are not about memorizing an encyclopedia of rules. Rather, they focus on teaching you how to instruct children in the skills they need to grow relationships by applying the underlying principles of etiquette: consideration, respect and honesty.
Whether you are a parent, a teacher or an independent consultant The Emily Post Children’s Etiquette Train the Trainer Program will provide you with the skills, knowledge, materials, and confidence you need to teach children, teachers and parents of all ages and experience levels about the confidence and poise that come with good etiquette.
Become an Emily Post Trained Childrens Etiquette Teacher
The Emily Post Institute is America’s premier source of etiquette knowledge and insight. When you train with us, you gain association with our brand and benefit from nearly a century of Post family history and expertise.

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, after school program coordinator or an etiquette professional, our program prepares you to teach etiquette to children according to their developmental age groups: ages two to four, five to seven, eight to twelve, and teens.
During our intensive four-day training, trainees learn how to teach a comprehensive children’s etiquette curriculum using our seven training modules. Attendees also attend a half-day presentation and facilitation skills workshop, observe presentations and receive critique on presentations, and gain knowledge about how to build a successful children’s etiquette program. Graduates may market themselves as “Trained by The Emily Post Institute.”
Help children build relationships, confidence, and self-esteem
“This was a wonderful training! I learned the core of what true etiquette really is. I strongly recommend this program to all ‘true believers’ interested in spreading the word.” -Jane Pertiller, Eteaquette, LLC
A Developmental Approach
The Emily Post Children’s Etiquette Train the Trainer Program’s unique approach to teaching etiquette focuses both on manners and on the principles they represent: consideration, respect and honesty. A hallmark of our training is that the curriculum mirrors a child’s natural development and topics are taught by age range: ages 2 to 4, 5 to 7, 8 to 12, and teenagers.
You will learn how to teach children’s etiquette just the way the Posts do. Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D., Emily Post’s great-granddaughter and creator of our children’s etiquette programs and her son Dan, will coach you through the intensive curriculum. You will gain the skills, knowledge, materials and confidence to teach etiquette classes for children and teens.

In-person and Online formats available
This program can be taken online at your own pace. Start dates may vary depending on current enrollment and instructor availability. In person children's trainer training will resume in 2025.
In-person Program - Learn More
Program Pricing
Payment must be made in full before the program start date, whether you are taking the online or in-person course. We accept check or credit card payments.
In-Person Program Fee - $6,500 (1 year license included in program fee)
Online Program Fee - $5,000 (1 year license included in program fee)
Program Benefits
The knowledge of the Posts
Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D. is the co-author of The Gift of Good Manners, written for parents and teachers, and five children’s etiquette books. Over the course of three days, she shares her children’s etiquette knowledge and proven training techniques. You will develop your etiquette and manners knowledge to handle any etiquette situation. And you will have confidence knowing you learned from a trusted etiquette expert.
Emphasis on Social Development
Cindy will coach you on how to “teach to the stage.” Each topic area is broken down by developmental stage with appropriate accompanying materials.
Parent/Teacher program
We provide programming and materials for teaching the value of etiquette to teachers and to parent groups, such as PTOs.
The Emily Post name
Your certificate of completion entitles you to promote yourself as having been “Trained by The Emily Post Institute” or “Completed Training with The Emily Post Institute.”
Program development ideas
We lead a discussion for interested independent trainers about starting and growing an etiquette business. Information includes ways to market your business and how to maintain clients.
Access to updated training materials
Your annual fee entitles you to regularly updated materials: PowerPoint presentations, slides, children’s etiquette articles, tip sheets, surveys, and more. You will receive an e-mail notification when materials are added or updated on our secure website.
You are entitled to additional coaching with Cindy Post Senning. She will talk you through a quandary, answer etiquette questions or review techniques.
45% discount on book purchases
HarperCollins Special Sales extends a special discount on all Emily Post titles to our clients and associates. With this discount you may purchase any Emily Post book for your workshop clients at a 45% discount. You can charge full retail price, or you can pass that deep discount, or a partial discount, on to your clients as well.
Who should attend?
- Individuals who want to start their own children’s etiquette seminar business
- Individuals who already teach children’s etiquette, but want to learn and use the Children’s Etiquette Program created and taught by The Emily Post Institute
- People in children’s education and related businesses who are seeking to make etiquette training a part of their program
Our Program
- Teaches not only specific manners but also the underlying principles of etiquette
- Focuses on teaching etiquette to children by developmental stages rather than strictly by topic
- Is built around workshops you can teach to 4-7 year-olds, 8-12 year-olds and teens
- Includes the seven modules (see box below right) that The Emily Post Institute uses to teach Children’s Etiquette Workshops
- Gives the participants the opportunity to practice teaching and receive critiques on their presentation of the material
- Focuses on how to customize the program for clients’ individual needs
- Offers a practical discussion session on how to launch your own children’s etiquette workshop business
Our Ten Program Modules
- What is Etiquette? – In this module we define etiquette as a combination of Manners and Princples that come together to give a complete picture of what etiquette truly is.
- Six Social Development Stages – Our children’s etiquette program approaches teaching etiquette as age appropriate social skills. Knowing what to expect and when to expect it is critical to working with youth. We teach six stages of social development to help you tailor your teaching to have the greatest impact whatever age group you are working with.
- Etiquette for Children and Youth – Etiquette has to be about more than rules for children to really embrace the concept. In this module you learn to teach the values of Consideration, Respect, and Honesty as the foundation for good behavior at all ages.
- Everyday Manners – From “magic words” to shaking hands, these are the manners that come up in everyday situations. You will learn how to introduce these fundamental skills to children of all ages.
- Communication – Oral, written and electronic communication all have important manners associated with them. From thank-you notes to cell phones this module covers communication manners.
- Manners at School – School manners can vary from one environment to the next. This module covers manners in class, in the hall, on the bus, with teachers, in the lunchroom, and with classmates.
- Out and About – All the manners that work everyday, at school, and on the phone can get tricky when kids leave their usual routines. With a focus on host and guest roles this module covers new situations like visiting friends homes, relatives and public places.
- Table Manners – From bibs to spaghetti dinners to prom-night formal dining, kids and youth need practice at the table. This module focuses on the table manners appropriate for each age group.
- Teen Program – Many teens are ready for a version of this program that is almost at an adult level. This module focuses on equipping teens who are ready to start facing grown up etiquette questions with the grounding and confidence to make good choices.
- Toddler Development – Through a combination of read-along titles and play-along activities this module maps out programs for toddlers and their parents.
- Program Development – Learn how to combine and rework materials from the rest of the training into programs that will be relevant and provide the most value to your audiences.
An Interactive Experience
- Analysis of each module
- Observation of attendee presentations
- Presentation practice session with critique
- Interactive dining etiquette luncheon
- Full day of facilitation skills training by Ovation Communication
- Guidance on packaging and marketing your services from Dawn Stanyon of Professionality Consulting (and previously The Emily Post Institute’s Director of Sales for nine years)
- Step-by-step leader’s guide and other training materials
- Immediate access to regularly updated materials through our secure website (PowerPoint presentations, slides, tip sheets, children’s etiquette articles, surveys, and more)
- The Gift of Good Manners and The Emily Post Institute Children’s Etiquette Library by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D.
About the Presenters

Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D. is an etiquette expert and Emily Post’s great-granddaughter. She has co-authored a dozen etiquette books for parents and children, including her premiere book for parents, The Gift of Good Manners. Her writing and recommendations are based on the concept of introducing specific manners at certain developmental stages in a child’s life. Cindy Post Senning’s professional background includes more than 30 years in education and health care. She holds a doctorate and master’s in education, both from the University of Vermont, and a degree in nursing from Cornell University.

DANIEL POST SENNING is the great-great-grandson of Emily Post and a co-author of Emily Post’s Etiquette, 18th edition and The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd edition. He is also the author of Manners in a Digital World: Living Well Online. Dan conducts business etiquette seminars across the country and internationally, and he co-hosts the Awesome Etiquette podcast.
Contact Us
Find out how The Emily Post Institute can
work with you to build meaningful training experiences that encourage
audiences to use etiquette as a tool for personal growth. Cultures of
civility and respect begin with small actions.

Please contact Kristi Spencer for more information on
program details, online and in-person availability, and pricing by filling out our
contact form.