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Online Courses

E-learning Options

Start etiquette training yourself or your team from your home or desk with an Emily Post online etiquette course. Our books are excellent resources, but our growing library of online etiquette classes is a great option for individuals who want to learn from our instructors but on their schedule.

We have two courses on essential manners for business.

Business Etiquette for Professionals, led by Peter Post, is delivered via the Teachable platform and can be completed in under two hours. It covers our essential business etiquette material from the top ten table manners to think about for business meals to communication skills, and our five-step method for solving problems. This program is available at discounted rates for groups of ten or more. This course is also available to be placed on your company's LMS.

We teamed up with the educational platform CreativeLive for a detailed version of our business etiquette material. Led by Daniel Post, it can be purchased in one hour sections on topics like communication and image and attire or as a complete eight part series. We are able to offer group discounts for five or more users.

We also offer a Table Manners course that covers both family style and fine dining through CreativeLive.

For information on group sales please fill out the contact form below.

Contact Us

Find out how The Emily Post Institute online courses can encourage audience your audience to use etiquette as a tool for professional improvement and personal growth. Cultures of civility and respect begin with small actions.

photo: daniel post senning headshot

Please contact Daniel Post Senning for more information on program details, presenter availability and pricing by filling out our contact form.