Service and Hospitality
It is that smile in their eye when you walk through the door, the tone of voice when someone says 'good morning or even getting thanked for something in a way that felt genuine and sincere. The magic of good service and feeling welcome in a store, restaurant, hotel or office is irreplaceable and beyond putting a value on. It is also what we teach at Emily Post. Cultures of civility and respect are foundational to providing good service that is authentic and, most importantly, believable. Basic tenants of good etiquette; greetings, showing gratitude, pride in appearance, host and guest roles, timeliness, honesty - all are critical to providing next level service and they call all be taught.
Contact Us
out how The Emily Post Institute can work with you to build meaningful
training experiences that encourage audiences to use etiquette as a tool
for personal growth. Cultures of civility and respect begin with small

Please contact Daniel Post Senning for more information on
program details, presenter availability and pricing by filling out our
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