Speakers Bureau
Bring etiquette to life with insightful and engaging talks from the Posts
For nearly 100 years, the name “Emily Post” has been synonymous with manners. Today, the fourth and fifth generation of Posts have taken up the reins and have authored over thirty modern etiquette books.
Business. Weddings. Parenting. Technology. Entertaining. Social graces. Cannabis.
Through The Emily Post Institute’s Speakers Bureau, Post family etiquette authors are available to speak about etiquette topics ranging from civility in America today to the life of Emily Post to dining etiquette, from soup to nuts. Business, weddings, parenting, and technology keynote speeches can be geared to any audience and are a perfect accompaniment for fundraisers, conference breakout sessions, annual meetings, and events.
Book sales
Book sales can accompany any Post author appearance. Most books by the Posts can be ordered directly from HarperCollins Special Sales. Most orders will qualify for discounts of up to 40% off, if not more. You may place your order directly with HarperCollins by contacting: HarperCollins Publishers, Special Markets phone: 212-207-7833.
Sample Topics:
Meet Emily Post
A personal introduction to the historical figure
“According to Emily Post” is a household phrase. Let great- and great-great-grandchildren bring an intimate knowledge of one the figures of modern American history to your organization. The Posts tell the personal story of this amazing lady in a way that no one else can. From her upbringing shadowing her famous architect father and trodding the boards of Tuxedo Park to her scandalous divorce and involvement in the first cooperative brownstone in New York City, Emily comes alive with original photography from the family archive, personal stories, and anecdotes. “What would Emily Post think?” will never mean the same thing to you again. Topics covered include:
- Emily as an example of early modern feminism
- The influence of her father, the noted architect Bruce Price, on her thinking and writing
- Her trailblazing road trip from the Big Apple to the Golden Gate in 1915, and how it informed Etiquette
- Her early career writing novels based on her high society travels in Europe
- Emily Post’s world-famous Martha’s Vineyard garden and home
- How she hung up on the man who first asked her to write Etiquette
- A legend is born: From Etiquette to the radio and beyond
Civility in America
A look at current standards for public discourse
Are we really getting ruder? Would Emily roll over in her grave to see our cell phones, low-rise jeans, and lack of thank-you notes? What can we do about it? The importance of civility in environments ranging from political discourse to public schools and universities has never been more apparent. The ability to find common ground and moderate behavior has become critical to our continuing success as communities of all different kinds and sizes. From the nation, to individual states, to board rooms, to schools, to yoga studios – achieving functional tolerance with those whom we disagree is absolutely necessary. Topics covered include:
- Identifying core values in changing or dynamic environments (over five generations)
- Applying critical thinking to situations involving human behavior
- A five step process for resolving difficult situations with grace and dignity
- What it means to live in a nation founded on an idea – or – the legacy of the enlightenment
- Violence in language (bullying, uncivil workplace, hate-speech, libel, slander)
Common Sense and the Bottom Line
Consider how human behavior affects profits and sustainability
New thinking about emergent properties in complex systems teaches us that some things are indeed more than the sum of their parts. How do organizations affect necessary change without stripping away the fundamental aspects of the business that have made success possible? Ethical behavior has become an absolutely essential factor in corporate success. Today, with unethical behavior seen at the uppermost levels of huge corporations, an ethical lack of judgement from any employee within an organization can be detrimental to a business’s reputation. Aside from avoiding a bruised or even shattered reputation, business etiquette can promote higher levels of job satisfaction, office communication, and productivity. Topics covered include:
- Top ten business etiquette behaviors
- Five-step process for solving relationship problems
- Interacting more confidently and effectively with your coworkers
- Making choices that build relationships
- Running a disciplined, productive business meeting
- Steering away from situations that may be ethically awkward
Essential Manners for Men
Deconstruct common mistakes and assumptions about how Men 'should' behave
Gentlemen, think etiquette is about wearing uncomfortable clothes and sticking out your pinkie while you drink your morning coffee? Think again. Peter Post, author of the New York Times bestseller Essential Manners for Men is here to tell you what etiquette is–and isn’t–with frankness and humor. Drawing on his own life, Peter covers all areas of daily life, from dating to the office and sports to the most dreaded by all men: “Honey, how do I look?” And, yes, he even settles the great toilet seat debate once and for all. Topics include:
- Social networking, gaming, and the world of online dating
- Greetings, handshakes, and how to make the all-important good first impression
- Texting, e-mailing, and using smartphones
- Dealing with bumps in the road, from divorce to layoffs
- Weddings: the man’s role, from groom to best man to usher, and the changing nature of the bachelor party
- Entertaining, dining, and tipping
Wedding Trends vs. Traditions
How to balance dreams and expectations at one of the most important moments in life
Lizzie Post brings wedding advice to your audience. She has witnessed the modern redefinition of the wedding tradition. In this presentation, she breaks down the most current trends in the industry, from personal wedding websites to changing gender roles in traditional ceremonies, and examine what these changes say about the overall meaning of weddings today. Topics covered include:
- Why we look to tradition
- Wedding etiquette changes and trends
- Anatomy of a wedding invitation
The Technology Shift
A look at what human behavior with new technology means for today and tomorrow
New communication environments are redefining the way we communicate. Dan Post Senning investigates what affect these new technologies have on our behavior and what social expectations are developing around them.
- The Virtual workforce
- Email: Handle with Care
- Family and Social Media
- Answers to top wedding etiquette questions
Playing Through
Golf is never just a game, and it may just be the perfect metaphor for life
Avid golfer Peter Post (handicap: 17) brings out the best in golfers of all handicaps with tips, stories, and etiquette advice from his book, The Unwritten Rules of Golf (formerly titled, “Playing Through”). From slow play and “gimmies” to betting and handling cheaters, Peter’s advice will enhance any golfer’s love of the game.
- How to deal with the biggest frustration in golf—slow play.
- What to do if you break the cardinal rule of never being late.
- When is a “gimme” acceptable?
- The difference between friendly play and tournament play.
- Dealing with sandbaggers and other cheats.
- Dos and don'ts when playing for “a little something.”
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audiences. Give your next campaign the authority of Emily Post. Please contact Lizzie Post for more

information. Spokesperson@emilypost.com