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Stay connected with Emily Post, a place for kindness, consideration, respect and honesty

Over 23,000 subscribers, Podcast, Tips, Historical etiquette, Weekly challenge, and Bonus extras...

Spokesperson Hero Label


Wrap your next campaign in civility with advice from Emily Post based on consideration, respect and honesty.

For your next campaign, treat your audience to a message delivered by a published author and Post family member. 

Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Spokesperson

Lizzie Post, and Daniel Post Senning are etiquette experts and seasoned media professionals who can deliver key messages to media and the public with confidence and ease.

View Our Spokesperson Media Kit

Survey Spokesperson

Consumer surveys are a great way to learn more about your market, uncover emerging trends, and promote your company and products with the media. Who better than an influential third-party spokesperson to deliver your survey results to the media? The Posts fit the bill—with media clout and the presence to instill consumer confidence, they are a trusted source to interpret how survey results fit with accepted social norms and behaviors. The result: Your company will be credited with unearthing new trends and establishing statistics.

Media Campaigns

Profile the Post name in your next media campaign through press events, media appearances, and satellite media tours. The Posts are also savvy hosts of Facebook and Twitter parties.

Product Endorsement

Lend credibility to your product by featuring Emily Post’s name or one of the current Posts in your television, print, or radio ads. A Post endorsement lets consumers know that your products meet a high standard for quality and class.

Contact Us

Find out how The Emily Post Institute can work with you to build and deliver meaningful messages that will really connect with your audiences. Give your next campaign the authority of Emily Post. Please contact Lizzie Post for more
