Trainer Training
Learn to Teach Etiquette
The Emily Post Trainer Training Programs are not just about memorizing an encyclopedia of rules. Instead, we focus on teaching trainers how to teach others to build better relationships by applying the underlying principles of etiquette: consideration, respect, and honesty. With a training program that has a solid foundation and detailed specifics for each aspect of relevant etiquette, we provide a program that allows trainers to customize and teach to their specific clients in their own style.
Our business training works for a range of applications, whether you're an independent consultant hosting trainings and booking clients on your own, or if you're an in-house trainer at a large company or organization looking to implement an etiquette initiative company-wide, or if you're in the academic field looking to offer training for students and faculty.
Our children's training also can be applied in a number of ways, from independent small business operators, whether you're holding classes connected to a retail experience like a tea house, book/children's store, or sports club, working through a community organization like a house of worship or library, or whether you're an educator looking to add to your credentials and the content you can offer your students.
Our wedding program is currently on hold while we tend to some other projects. If you're interested in this program please email
Business Train the Trainer
The Emily Post Business Etiquette Train the Trainer programs are not about memorizing an encyclopedia…
Children's Etiquette Train the Trainer
Whether you are a parent, a teacher or an independent consultant The Emily Post Children’s Etiquette…
Wedding Etiquette for Professionals
This course is designed to help those in the wedding have confidence in their understanding of wedding…
Emily Post Licensed Trainers
Our roster of licensed Emily Post Business and Children's Etiquette trainers. These currently licensed…

Contact Us
out how The Emily Post Institute can work with you to build meaningful
training experiences that encourage audiences to use etiquette as a tool
for personal growth. Cultures of civility and respect begin with small

Please contact Kristi Spencer for more information on
program details, registration and pricing by filling out our
contact form.