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Trainer Training

Learn to Teach Etiquette

The Emily Post Trainer Training Programs are not just about memorizing an encyclopedia of rules. Rather, they focus on teaching how to help people build better relationships by applying the underlying principles of etiquette: consideration, respect and honesty. And don't worry, we cover which fork to use as well.

Business Etiquette

Whether you are an independent consultant, corporate trainer or just getting started, The Emily Post Business Etiquette Train the Trainer Program will provide you with the skills, knowledge, materials, and confidence you need to teach business etiquette in professional settings.

Children's Etiquette

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, after school program coordinator or an etiquette professional, The Emily Post Children's Etiquette Train the Trainer Program prepares you to teach etiquette to children according to their development.

Wedding Etiquette

Weddings, more than any other event, inspire a desire to “do it right.” But many brides and families don’t know the guidelines that can smooth the way. With the Emily Post Wedding Etiquette for Professionals Program you can help.

With Emily Post trainer training you learn how to teach timeless principles and contemporary etiquette in your own voice to your community or organization. 

Contact Us

Find out how The Emily Post Institute can work with you to build meaningful training experiences that encourage audiences to use etiquette as a tool for personal growth. Cultures of civility and respect begin with small actions.

photo: daniel post senning headshot

Please contact Daniel Post Senning for more information on program details, registration and pricing by filling out our contact form.