Author Led Seminars

Personal Skills for Professional Success—that’s the subtitle of our flagship book on etiquette, The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd edition, and it’s why business etiquette training is so valuable for companies and for individuals. Whether it is in a meeting, in a communication, around a water cooler, on a business trip, at a business social mixer, or at an important business meal, personal skills make or break relationships. An individual’s professional success hinges on how well he or she can build strong relationships. In turn, when an individual is successful, their company succeeds as well. Business etiquette training directly impacts the bottom line because decision makers, colleagues, bosses, clients, and prospects will choose to do business with people in whom they have confidence. The Emily Post Business Etiquette Seminars teach participants:
- The manners that people expect them to know
- The skills to figure out how to interact with others successfully when there is no manner
- The confidence to handle any situation, from the day-to-day to the crucial
- How to use every interaction as an opportunity to enhance relationships

The end result: Participants who know how to build better, stronger, more successful relationships. Consequently, they gain the competitive edge.
We don’t offer open enrollment seminars. They are customized to a client’s needs and desired outcomes and held at the client’s office or a nearby hotel on their chosen date.
Who Benefits?
We have many years’ experience training all levels of employees, from new hires fresh out of college to the C-suite. Our clients may be internal-focused or client-facing, or a mix of both. We are comfortable teaching to mixed-level employees, as well. In fact, our experience has taught us that a company’s commitment to a civil workplace is best underscored when executive and management level employees participate in our trainings, too.
New Hires
New hires are most likely Millennials, the 20-something generation born after 1980. As “digital natives,” they have never known a world without texting and technology. They bring formidable skills and outstanding resumes to their new employers, but may not understand why they have to be there by 9 a.m., dress a certain way or modify language in the workplace. We can help ease their culture shock moving into the working world with a new-hire focused business etiquette seminar.
Sales and Service Professionals
It is critical for sales professionals, customer service representatives, and other client-facing employees to represent their company well during every customer or client interaction. Our front line focused trainings emphasize how to build relationships with every client interaction. Seminars can include small-group work to solve difficult situations with clients; business social situation and networking protocols; communication etiquette (written, verbal, and use of technology); and image and attire. Dining etiquette is also a popular choice for this group.
Leadership Development and Management Training Programs
Emily Post Business Etiquette Seminars are a natural addition to internal programs designed to identify, develop, and fast-track future leaders and new managers. Our programs teach self-confidence in business social settings, business travel, business dining, and more. An understanding of the principles behind business etiquette is a fundamental skill of good management, and we stress not only how to model behaviors for managers, but how to actively cultivate civility and good business etiquette behaviors in your staff. For high potentials who want to develop their personal brand, one-on-one coaching and small group programs with pre-work and post-consulting are available.
Senior Management and Valued Employees
Offer something special to the people who set the tone in your organization. Whether used as a refresher course on a topics such as business social skills or table manners, or to address specific new corporate challenges such as international perspectives or social media manners, seminars for seasoned professionals and senior management are among the most animated and beneficial because participants already understand how valuable strong personal skills are to their success. For senior leaders who want to define or refine their professional etiquette skill set and those who want to demonstrate to their employees their commitment to fostering a civil workplace.
Inter-generational Workforce
For the first time in history, there are four generations together in the workforce—Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and now Generation Z. Each group has different communication styles, expectations, and interpretation skills. Emily Post Business Etiquette Seminars teach your employees to understand their differences and get along with each other so that the focus can turn to getting the job done.
Half-day: up to four hours
Full-day: up to eight hours
Dining Event: approximately two hours (a dining etiquette lunch or dinner may be added onto or included in a seminar)
Blended Delivery
Every seminar is customized for each client. While no two are identical there are common elements and different teaching modalities can be added or removed to serve a clients needs.
Lecture - Our presenters bring experince making etiquette understandable and appliable by presenting both quantitative data as well, real world problems ans scripts as well as qualitative
Facilitated Discussion - Our facilitators draw out audience participation with brainstorming sessions, challenging sample situations and in class writen exercises.
Workshop and Team Building - Our trainers lead teams through appling a problem solving process based on consideration, respect and honesty to real world problems facing participants.
Materials - Tip Cards, Resource Workbook, Presentation Slide Notes, Book Raffle
Choose from these topics to customize your program:
- What is Etiquette? and Why Business Etiquette Matters
- Inter-generational Differences
- The Five-step Method for Resolving Relationship Situations
- Civility in the Workplace
- Introductions
- Communication Etiquette
- Business Social Situations and Networking
- Social Media Etiquette
- Professional Image and Attire
- Building Your Personal Brand
- International Perspectives
- Meeting Etiquette
- Workplace Etiquette
- Dining Etiquette
- The 24/7 Professional
Read more detailed information about our seminar topics.
Contact Us
Find out how The Emily Post Institute can
work with you to build meaningful training experiences that encourage
audiences to use etiquette as a tool for personal growth. Cultures of
civility and respect begin with small actions.

Please contact Kristi Spencer for more information on
program details, presenter availability and pricing by filling out our
contact form.