Training & Services
Emily Post training and services are available for groups, businesses, and individuals. Choose from trainer training, seminars, live and pre-recorded webinars, self-paced eLearning courses, and consultation services to best meet your etiquette training needs. Every live session is customized for the client and built from our extensive menu of training topics.
Online Course: Dining Etiquette
In this class, you’ll learn how to: Navigate a place setting and menu. Hold utensils properly and understand…
Online Course: Manners at Work, The Ultimate Guide - Creative Live
This comprehensive series of eight courses will define professional etiquette, teach fundamental manners…
Online Course: Business Etiquette for Professionals
In this 12-lesson course, best-selling author Peter Post explains how etiquette and manners are fundamental…
Business Train the Trainer
The Emily Post Business Etiquette Train the Trainer programs are not about memorizing an encyclopedia…
Children's Etiquette Train the Trainer
Whether you are a parent, a teacher or an independent consultant The Emily Post Children’s Etiquette…
Wedding Etiquette for Professionals
This course is designed to help those in the wedding have confidence in their understanding of wedding…
Emily Post Licensed Trainers
Our roster of licensed Emily Post Business and Children's Etiquette trainers. These currently licensed…
Etiquette Defined/Why Etiquette?
These are our introductory sections. They articulate what etiquette is and isn’t, why business etiquette…
Leading with Civility in the workplace is more important than ever before. Etiquette is considered a…
Problem Solving
If only there were a book of rules that could always tell you what to do. There is no way to anticipate…
Dining Etiquette
Business meals are an important opportunity to build relationships, and having confidence in your manners…
Communication Etiquette
Our communication skills are a main hallmark of our professionalism and provide an important opportunity…
Image, Attire and Personal Brand
Professional image isn’t a bare minimum to be met; it’s an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism.…
Service and Hospitality
It is that smile in their eye when you walk through the door, the tone of voice when someone says 'good…
Cross Cultural Etiquette
This section, often woven into our introductory section or Workplace Etiquette, focuses on generational…
Business Social Situations and Networking Etiquette. Being able to represent your company well at conferences…
Meeting Etiquette
While the content of business meetings varies from conference room to conference room, the rules of the…
Conversation Skills
Knowing what to say is important, almost as important as knowing what not to say. It is the first and…
The Complete Professional
The 24/7 Professional. You represent your company everyday—even on your own time. You build an impression…
Speakers Bureau
Through The Emily Post Institute’s Speakers Bureau, Post family etiquette authors are available to speak…
Brand Partnerships
Find out more about partnering with the Emily Post Institute.
Find out more about how a spokesperson from the Emily Post Institute can help to deliver your message.
Contact Us
Find out how the Emily Post Institute can
work with you to build meaningful training experiences that encourage etiquette as a tool for personal growth. Cultures of
civility and respect begin with small actions, take the first step today.

Please contact Kristi Spencer for more information on
program details, presenter availability, and pricing by filling out our
contact form. [email protected]