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Table Manners Video - Using FOrKS to Set the Table Hero Label

Table Manners Video - Using FOrKS to Set the Table

How to Set the Table - Fork, Plate, Knife and Spoon

In this video we share the best kept secret in the world of etiquette. If you can remember how to spell the words 'Forks' you will never forget how to set the table after watching this. You don't even to know your left from your right, if you can spell 'forks' you will always know where to place the fork, plate, knife and spoon when you set the table for any meal.


When it is time to set the table, imagine yourself spelling the words forks as you lay out the tableware in the following order.

  1. F is fork, that comes first on the left hand side of the setting.
  2. O looks like a plate, and that come next. Center the plate in front of the chair for the diner.
  3. r indicates that the letters following go to the right of the plate.
  4. K is for knives, and they come next, placed just to the right of the plate. (For bonus points be sure to place the blade facing the plate or the center of the setting.)
  5. S if for spoons, they come last on the far right side of the place setting.