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Table Manners Video - Using Utensils from the Outside In Hero Label

Table Manners Video - Using Utensils from the Outside In

Using Utensils for Different Courses

In this video we look at using utensils in the order they are set at the table working from the outside of the place setting to the center as successive courses are served and cleared. Also, we review proper placement and use of dessert silver at the top of the place setting.

The Place Setting is a Road Map for the Meal

The place setting is designed to help you eat what will be served. Sometimes utensils are brought out for the course where they will be used. In more traditional American style dining, utensils are set at the table for most of the planned courses. They are organized in the order that they are to be used, arranged from the outside of the place setting to the center. As each course is cleared, along with the used utensils, the utensils for the next course should be right at hand. The place setting, far from creating confusion, provides a map of the meal the host has planned and provides the right tools for each item served.