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Table Manners Video - B & D for Bread and Drink Hero Label

Table Manners Video - B & D for Bread and Drink

Using B&D to determine which side has the bread plate and which side has the drinks

In this video we introduce of of the most classic and popular table manners and etiquette teaching trick, B&D for bread and drink. Learn how to use your hands to remember which side of the place setting holds your bread plate and which side contains your beverage. Weather you are setting the table or navigating a crowded banquette hall you can be confident you know what goes where.

Crowded Tables

This trick comes in handy when you are seated at a crowded table and place settings are arranged closely together. It is not always easy to tell which is which, and what belongs to whom. By making a circle with your thumb and index finger and extending your other fingers together you create the shape of a lower case 'b' with your left hand and 'd' with your right. That can be a handy (bad puns are our favorite) reminder that the bread plate goes on the left and the drinks go to the right. Now, you should be able to tell witch drinks and small plates go with which setting.